12th Jun 2017 07:00
GE Board of Directors Authorizes Quarterly Dividend
BOSTON - June 9, 2017 - The Board of Directors of GE (NYSE: GE) today declared a $0.24 per share dividend on the outstanding stock of the Company payable July 25, 2017 to shareowners of record at the close of business on June 19, 2017. The ex-dividend date is June 15, 2017.
About GE
GE (NYSE:GE) is the world's Digital Industrial Company, transforming industry with software-defined machines and solutions that are connected, responsive and predictive. GE is organized around a global exchange of knowledge, the "GE Store," through which each business shares and accesses the same technology, markets, structure and intellect. Each invention further fuels innovation and application across our industrial sectors. With people, services, technology and scale, GE delivers better outcomes for customers by speaking the language of industry. www.ge.com
GE's Investor Relations website at www.ge.com/investor and our corporate blog at www.gereports.com and @GE_Reports on Twitter, as well as GE's Facebook page and Twitter accounts, contain a significant amount of information about GE, including financial and other information for investors. GE encourages investors to visit these websites from time to time, as information is updated and new information is posted.
Investor Contact:
Matt Cribbins, 617.443.3400
Media Contact:
Jennifer Erickson, 646.682.5620
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