30th Oct 2006 07:00
Embargoed: 0700hrs 30 October 2006 Akers Biosciences Inc. ("Akers" or the "Company") Major Distribution Agreement Thorofare, NJ, USA-October 30, 2006--Akers Biosciences Inc. (LSE:AKR) ispleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with Pulse Marketing Corp.("Pulse") of Portland, Oregon, USA for the marketing and distribution of Akers'home cholesterol and free radical tests to direct sales companies, most of whomare members of the Direct Selling Association. The agreement includesdevelopment funds to be paid to Akers to modify the tests to Pulse'sspecifications, and then provides for manufacturing of the products by Akersfor Pulse. Pulse, whose distribution reaches over 1 million independentbusiness owners in North America alone, intends to market the products as soonas the development phase is completed, which is targeted for March 2007.Until now Akers has not marketed these products in the U.S. to the direct salesmarketplace. This agreement with Pulse will significantly increase the numberof representatives marketing the product and the regions in which Akers is ableto penetrate.Dr. Ray Akers, CEO of Akers Biosciences said, "Today's agreement represents asignificant step in our strategy to penetrate a large segment of the U.S. homehealthcare market. There is a clear medical need for our breakthrough tests forcholesterol and free radicals, and this agreement fits nicely with the trendsin wellness and health awareness among U.S. consumers. This alliance with PulseMarketing will make our product more widely available to consumers across theU.S., and will significantly increase our share of voice in the marketplace."Information on the Tri-Cholesterol and Free Radical TestsCholesterol levels are directly related to the risk of cardiovascular disease.The Tri-Cholesterol Test Kit is the only FDA-approved rapid assay that providesa complete cholesterol profile of the patient, with semi-quantitativedeterminations of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-densitylipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and total cholesterol levels in whole bloodobtained from a finger stick. This complete cholesterol test panel has beendesigned in a test card format; an enzymatic color reaction from a single dropof blood produces results in approximately three minutes. Akers will modify thetest under this agreement to work with a non-invasive sample, such astransdermal fluid or saliva, instead of whole blood.The Free Radical test measures the level of lipid peroxides in urine, which isan indication of free radical activity in a person's metabolism. Free radicalsare associated with many disease processes, including cardiovascular,neurological, and immune systems diseases. Elevated levels of lipid peroxidesindicate a need for increased levels of anti-oxidants, which can be provided incertain nutritional supplements.Pulse Marketing Corp.Pulse, and its affiliate Beanstalk Partners, are leading marketingorganizations for direct selling companies such as Quixtar Inc., Melaleuca,Inc., Mannatech, Inc., and PrePaid Legal, Inc. Pulse distributes products intothese organizations, and creates the sales and marketing initiatives for thesecompanies. Pulse's products reach over 1 million independent business owners inNorth America alone.Akers BiosciencesAkers Biosciences, Inc. develops, manufactures, and supplies rapid, point ofcare screening and testing products designed to bring healthcare informationboth rapidly and directly to the patient or healthcare provider. The Companyhas advanced the science of diagnostics while responding to major shifts inhealthcare through the development of several proprietary platformtechnologies. The company's state-of-the-art rapid diagnostic assays can beperformed virtually anywhere in minutes when time is of the essence. Akers hasaligned with major healthcare companies and high volume medical products distributors to maximize product offerings, and to be a major worldwidecompetitor in diagnostics. Additional information on the Company and itsproducts can be found at www.akersbiosciences.com.Enquiries:Dr. Ray Akers Chief Executive Officer, Akers Biosciences, 020 7917 9476 Inc. Paul Freedman 001 856 848 8698 Chief Financial Officer, Akers Biosciences, Inc. Xavier DeMol Robert W. Baird, Ltd. 020 7667 8246 Bill Roberts CTC, Inc. 001 937 434 2700 Ben Simons Hansard Communications 020 7245 1100 ENDAKERS BIOSCIENCES INCRelated Shares: