29th Feb 2016 15:37
UTV MEDIA PLC - Disposal of TV Business and UTV MEDIA PLC Name ChangeUTV MEDIA PLC - Disposal of TV Business and UTV MEDIA PLC Name Change
PR Newswire
London, February 29
UTV Media plc
Completion of the Sale of UTV Television and Change of Name
UTV Media plc announces Completion of the Sale of UTV Television and Change of Name
Further to its statement on 19 February 2016, UTV Media plc (the “Company”) today announces that it has successfully completed the sale of the entire issued share capital of UTV Limited and its wholly owned subsidiary UTV Ireland Limited, which together comprise the whole of the Company’s television business (“UTV Television“) to ITV Broadcasting Limited (“ITV”) (the “Sale”).
Pursuant to the terms of the sale and purchase agreement with ITV, the Company agreed to cease using the “UTV” name with effect from completion. Following approval from the Company’s board of directors (in accordance with the Company’s articles of association), the Company today announces that it has changed its registered name from “UTV Media plc” to “WIRELESS GROUP PLC” with immediate effect. The Company's TIDM on the London Stock Exchange and Irish Stock Exchange for its Ordinary Shares of 5 pence each will change from UTV to WLG with effect from 8.00 a.m. on Tuesday 1 March 2016 and its new web address www.wirelessgroupplc.com will also go live on Tuesday 1 March 2016.
As previously announced, the Company expects to receive net cash proceeds, after transaction costs, of approximately £98 million from the Sale and intends to return a total of approximately £55 million of cash to shareholders (the “Return of Cash”). The Return of Cash is proposed to be implemented in two stages. Firstly, approximately £50.8 million is proposed to be returned to shareholders through the issue and redemption of a new class of redeemable B shares (the “B Share Scheme”). The B Share Scheme is conditional upon shareholder approval and a circular containing details of the B Share Scheme and notice of a General Meeting of the Company is expected to be sent to shareholders during or before the week commencing 7 March 2016. Secondly, approximately £4.2 million, being the anticipated amount of the Return of Cash not returned to shareholders pursuant to the B Share Scheme, is expected to be returned to shareholders by way of a special dividend payment in July 2016, details of which will follow in due course.
For further information, please contact:
Norman McKeown, Group Finance Director
Tel: +44 (0) 2890 262204
29 February 2016
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