23rd May 2013 15:19
INTERSERVE PLC - Director/PDMR ShareholdingINTERSERVE PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding
PR Newswire
London, May 23
Pursuant to Disclosure and Transparency Rule 3.1.2, Interserve Plc (the"Company") announces that it was informed today that the following PDMRs hadexercised options over shares at 359.33p per share pursuant to the ExecutiveShare Option Scheme 2002:
Name Exercise Date Number of Options Trevor Bradbury 22 May 2013 61,225 George Franks 21 May 2013 14,360On 23 May 2013 Mr Bradbury disposed of a total of 53,450 shares at an averageshare price of 502.6968p per share to fund the cost of exercise, income tax/NIand sale costs. The remaining 7,775 shares have been retained. Mr Bradbury'sinterest in the shares of the Company has therefore now increased to 123,488ordinary shares of 10p each (0.096% of the issued share capital).
On 23 May 2013 Mr Franks disposed of a total of 10,301 shares at an averageshare price of 502.6968p per share to fund the cost of exercise and sale costs.The remaining 4,059 shares have been retained. Mr Franks' interest in theshares of the Company has therefore now increased to 5,569 ordinary shares of10p each (0.004% of the issued share capital).
The options were granted on 14 March 2005 and were subject to the satisfactionof certain performance conditions based on earnings per share.
Trevor Bradbury Group Secretary Tel: 0118 932 0123 23 May 2013Related Shares: