3rd Jan 2012 11:18
3 January 2012
Personal Group Holdings Plc ("the Company")
Personal Group Holdings Plc operates an Inland Revenue approved All Employee Share Ownership Plan (AESOP) which allows employees and directors the opportunity to purchase shares in the Company currently held by Personal Group Trustees Limited.
The twentieth allocation period ended on 31 December 2011 and the following directors have been allocated shares as follows:
Director Price Shares Total number of
Allocated shares held at %
1 January 2012 Holding
Dr J P Barber 262.0p 570 356,199 1.18
Mr K Rooney 262.0p 570 256,258 0.85
Mr R Green 262.0p 556 49,268 0.16
Mr C Curling 262.0p 511 27,926 0.09
Under the Rules of the AESOP, the share price at which the shares are allocated is the lower of the mid-market value at the start and end of the relevant accumulation period.
The Company has been informed today by Kenneth Rooney, Deputy Chairman, that on 3 January 2012 he purchased 4,628 ordinary shares of 5 pence each for his SIPP representing 0.02% of the issued share capital of the Company, at a price of 263.6 pence per ordinary share.
Following this transaction, Mr Rooney is interested in 260,886 shares, representing 0.87% of the total shares in issue.
Further enquiries:
Personal Group Holdings Plc
John Barber, Financial Director +44 (0) 1908 605 000
Cenkos Securities Plc
Stephen Keys +44 (0) 20 7397 8926
Media enquiries:
Abchurch Communications
Joanne Shears / Mark Dixon +44 (0) 20 7398 7729
[email protected] www.abchurch-group.com
Notes to editors:
Personal Group Holdings Plc (AIM: PGH) is a leading provider of employee benefits and financial services, established in 1984 and with offices and clients across the UK.
The group primarily provides tailored employee benefits programmes to businesses throughout the UK. These programmes include insurance products such as hospital and convalescence plans, death benefit and income protection plans; lifestyle benefits such as holiday and retail discounts; flexible benefit programmes; a range of tax efficient benefits such as childcare vouchers; and employee assistance programmes. The group generates the majority of its revenue through the underwriting of hospital and convalescence plans. Through its expertise in producing, communicating and implementing successful benefit solutions, the group has helped over 400 leading UK companies recruit, retain and motivate the best people. In total the group provides access to benefits for 1.2 million employees, and clients include Pirelli, Brake Bros, TNT, UK Mail, Regatta, Road Chef and Vinci.
In addition the group offers financial planning and broking services and through its Berkeley Morgan, Universal Provident and Rapidinsure brands provides access to private medical insurance as well as home, contents and travel insurance.
The group boasts considerable financial strength, with a 25 year track record of profitable growth since 1986. For the year to 31 December 2010 the group reported revenue of £27 million. With a strong balance sheet and a progressive dividend policy, Personal Group's vision is to be the provider of choice in employee benefits and financial services. The group's development to date has been achieved principally through strong organic growth.
Personal Group is headquartered in Milton Keynes, was floated on AIM in 2000 and today employs over 160 people.
For further information, go to www.personal-group.com.
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