21st Aug 2006 16:58
The Berkeley Group Holdings plc The Berkeley Group Employee Benefit Trust The Berkeley Group Holdings plc (the "Company") has been notified of thetransfer on 21 August 2006 of 299,465 Units (each comprising one new OrdinaryShare, one 2006 B Share, one 2008 B Share and one 2010 B Share) ("Units") ofthe Company by The Berkeley Group Employee Benefit Trust (the "EBT").These Units have been transferred to participants under The Berkeley Group plc2000 Long Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan").Where individual employee interests arising from this transaction arethemselves reportable, appropriate disclosure has been made.Following this disposal the EBT now holds 393,836 Units.Each of the executive directors of the Company is a potential beneficiary underthe EBT and therefore, in accordance with the Companies Act 1985, is regardedas having a non-beneficial interest in the EBT holding of 393,836 Units.AR FosterCompany Secretary21 August 2006ENDTHE BERKELEY GROUP HOLDINGS PLCRelated Shares:
Berkeley Group