4th Jan 2008 12:00
STM Group PLC04 January 2008 Press Release 4 January 2008 STM Group Plc ("STM" or "the Company") Issue of Equity/Director PDMR Shareholding STM Group Plc (AIM:STM), the cross border financial services provider, todayannounces that 10,638 new ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each in the Company("Ordinary Shares") have been issued to Mr Bernard Gallagher, the Company'sNon-Executive Chairman, in payment of his Chairman's fees for the quartercommencing on 1 January 2008. The number of new Ordinary Shares issued is basedupon the share price of 70.5 pence per Ordinary Share. Pursuant to Mr Gallagher's service contract with the Company, he has elected toreceive his quarterly directors' fee in Ordinary Shares rather than cash.Accordingly, the Company expects to issue new Ordinary Shares to Mr Gallagher ator around the beginning of each of the quarters commencing on April 2007. Thenumber of new Ordinary Shares to be issued to Mr Gallagher in subsequentquarters will be calculated based upon the average mid-market price per OrdinaryShare in the five trading days ending on the day prior to the preceding quarterend date. Following this issue, the total number of Ordinary Shares in issue is 37,552,912and Mr Gallagher's total shareholding in the Company will be 270,739 OrdinaryShares, representing 0.7 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company.All of these shares are held by STM Fidecs Nominees Limited. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for the new OrdinaryShares to be admitted to trading on AIM on 9th January 2008 - Ends - For further information, please contact:STM Group PlcTim Revill, Chief Executive Officer Tel: 00 350 51610Matt Wood, Non-executive director Tel: +44 (0) 20 7752 0215 www.stmgroupplc .com --------------------- Daniel Stewart & Co. PlcLindsay Mair / Stewart Dick Tel: +44 (0) 20 7776 6550 www.danielstewa rt.co.uk -------------------------- Media enquiries:AbchurchHenry Harrison-Topham / Charlie Jack Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 [email protected] www.abchurch-gr----------------------------- oup.com ------------------------ Notes to editors STM was formed in 2007 specifically to become a leading financial services groupoperating in the Corporate and Trustee Service Provider (CTSP) sector. TheCompany listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange on 28 March 2007.The traditional business of CTSPs is to administer and manage personal, familyand commercial assets and income streams in tax efficient offshorejurisdictions. The Company's aim is to grow through acquiring and consolidatinghigh quality existing CTSPs which offer complementary products and services andthat operate in complementary tax efficient jurisdictions to those provided bySTM's first acquisition, the Gibraltar based CTSP, Fidecs Group Limited("Fidecs"). Fidecs was acquired by STM upon its Admission to AIM. Fidecs is the second largest financial services firm in Gibraltar and employs 80people. It specialises in financial planning for both High Net Worth individuals("HNWI") moving to work, living or retiring overseas or making cross-borderinvestments, and for entrepreneurial, predominantly, owner-managed businesses,expanding into or re-locating to other, frequently lower tax, jurisdictions. Italso includes an insurance management division, specialising in providing set upand management services to newly formed insurance companies operating out ofGibraltar. In the year ended 31 December 2006, Fidecs reported turnover of £5million with post tax profit of £1.7 million. The CTSP market is fragmented in nature, comprising a small number of very largeinternational financial services groups and a large number of relatively smalltrust and company management businesses regulated by, and operating out of,single offshore jurisdictions. The HNWI market, a key market for CTSPs, hascontinued to expand strongly, due to buoyant stock markets, rising house pricesand global economic growth. Leading surveys estimated that aggregate global highnet worth wealth, would grow to £40 trillion by 2008, an increase of some 40 percent. over 2004. Further information on STM Group can be found at www.stmgroupplc.com This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Stm Grp.