29th Oct 2013 14:32
Notification of Transaction of Director of esure Group plc
In accordance with RIS notification required by DTR3.1.4R, esure Group plc wishes to notify the following transactions of its non-executive directors, Anthony Hobson and Peter Ward.
As disclosed in our prospectus dated 8 March 2013, Anthony Hobson and Peter Ward had a 0.025 percent economic interest in Tosca Penta Investments LP. Tosca Penta Investments LP is managed by Penta Capital LLP.
Tosca Penta Investments LP has now transferred the following number of esure Group plc Ordinary Shares to Anthony Hobson and Peter Ward.
Anthony Hobson 3,658
Peter Ward 3,658
The total holding following notification of these transactions and the total percentage holdings are shown below:
Shareholding following Percentage of Issued
the above transactions Share Capital
Anthony Hobson 236,187 0.057%
Peter Ward 236,187 0.057%
For further information contact:
Alice Rivers
Deputy Company Secretary
01737 235504
Related Shares:
Esure Group