30th Jun 2014 14:23
PR Newswire
London, June 30
UNITED UTILITIES GROUP PLC NOTIFICATION OF TRANSACTIONS OF DIRECTORS, PDMR's OR CONNECTED PERSONS 30 JUNE 2014 United Utilities Group PLC (the company) hereby announces in accordance withDTR 3.1.4R, after notification by the independent Trustee of the UnitedUtilities Employee Share Trust, the transfer by the Trustee to participants ofthe beneficial ownership of ordinary shares of 5p each in the company followingthe exercise of awards (as detailed below) in the Performance Share Plan (PSP)and in the Matching Share Award Plan (MSAP), both of which related to theperformance period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2014. The awards were exercised bythe participants detailed below (at nil cost) on 27 June 2014, following theachievement of performance criteria as determined by the company's RemunerationCommittee. All transactions took place in England. Shares were sold at £8.7505per share. Name of No. of shares PSP - No. No. of MSAP - No. of No of sharesdirector held before of shares shares sold No. of shares sold held after/PDMR transactions exercised to cover shares to cover transaction and (% of tax, NI exercised tax, NI (s) and % of issued share liability, liability, share capital) and dealing and dealing capital Sally 17,192 19,148 10,125 9,749 4,594 31,370Cabrini (0.0025%) (0.0046%) Neil 5,733 14,249 7,535 n/a n/a 12,447Colman (0.0008) (0.0018%) Gary 21,977 13,976 7,390 n/a n/a 28,563Dixon (0.0032%) (0.0042%) Steven 19,920 20,485 10,832 10,764 5,072 35,265Fraser (0.0029%) (0.0052%) Simon 9,876 18,311 9,683 n/a n/a 18,504Gardiner (0.0014%) (0.0027%) Gaynor 18,277 15,585 8,241 2,802 1,321 27,102Kenyon (0.0027%) (0.0040%) Steven 118,913 81,062 38,195 17,624 8,305 171,099Mogford (0.0174%) (0.0250%) Paula 3,228 4,318 2,499 n/a n/a 5,047Steer (0.0005%) (0.0007%) Awards granted under Long Term Plan The following conditional awards were granted in England on 30 June 2014,(calculated using the market price at the close of trading on the London StockExchange on 27 June 2014 of £8.805 per ordinary share), to the undernoteddirectors and persons discharging managerial responsibility pursuant to therules of the United Utilities Group 2013 Long Term Plan as approved by theshareholders at the general meeting on 26 July 2013. The figures reflect themaximum number of shares over which the option might be exercised. The actualnumber will depend upon the extent to which the established performanceconditions are satisfied over the performance period. Executive directors aresubject to a further two-year holding period. Under the rules, the awards aresubject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the performanceperiod. Name of director/ No. of Price paid Price Performance periodPDMR Ordinary for award payable on shares £ exercise £ awarded Sue Amies-King 13,356 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Sally Cabrini 19,875 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Neil Colman 13,912 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Gary Dixon 13,038 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Steven Fraser 23,850 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Simon Gardiner 17,132 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Jonathan Hodgkin 13,833 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Russell Houlden * 63,560 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Gaynor Kenyon 14,906 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Steven Mogford * 100,692 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Janice Smethurst 6,053 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 Paula Steer 5,451 nil nil 01/04/2014 to 31/03/2017 * Denotes executive director subject to additional two-year holding period. Awards granted under Deferred Bonus Plan The following conditional awards were granted in England on 30 June 2014,(calculated using the market price at the close of trading on the London StockExchange on 27 June 2014 of £8.805 per ordinary share), to the undernoteddirectors and persons discharging managerial responsibility pursuant to therules of the United Utilities Group PLC Deferred Bonus Plan 2013 (`the plan')as approved by the board of United Utilities Group PLC on 21 May 2013. Underthe terms of the plan, conditional awards will normally be satisfied at the endof the vesting period by using shares purchased in the market. Newly issued ortreasury shares cannot be used to satisfy awards under this plan. Under therules, the awards are subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paidduring the vesting period. The awards will normally become capable of exerciseafter the vesting date. Name of director/ No. of Price Price Vesting DatePDMR shares in per payable on conditional share exercise £ award paid at award Sue Amies-King 5,410 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 Sally Cabrini 8,026 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 Neil Colman 5,600 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 Gary Dixon 5,299 £8.805 Nil 30/06/2017 Steven Fraser 9,476 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 Simon Gardiner 6,961 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 Jonathan Hodgkin 5,475 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 Russell Houlden 24,615 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 Gaynor Kenyon 6,057 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 Steven Mogford 38,998 £8.805 nil 30/06/2017 ----- Further information can be obtained from: Jane Gilmore, Deputy Company Secretary +44 1 925 237052 United Utilities Group's ordinary shares trade on the London Stock Exchange andits ADRs, each equal to two ordinary shares, trade over the counter under theTrading Symbol "UUGRY".
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