16th Apr 2014 10:40
JARDINE MATHESON HOLDINGS LIMITEDNOTIFICATION OF TRANSACTIONS OF DIRECTORS, PERSONS DISCHARGING MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITY OR CONNECTED PERSONS1) Name of issuerJardine Matheson Holdings Limited ('JMH')2) State whether the notification relates to (i) a transaction notified in accordance with DTR 3.1.2 R or (ii) a disclosure made in accordance with section 793 of the Companies Act 2006(i) DTR 3.1.2 R3) Name of person discharging managerial responsibilities / directorE P K Weatherall4) State whether notification relates to a person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibilities / director named in 3 and identify the connected personThe notification relates to the interest of a connected person, being Saltire Trustees (Overseas) Limited (the trustee of a family trust) 5) Description of shares (including class), debentures or derivatives or financial instruments relating to sharesOrdinary shares of US$0.25 each6) State the nature of the transactionDisposal of ordinary shares7) Number of shares, debentures or financial instruments relating to shares acquiredN/A8) Number of shares, debentures or financial instruments relating to shares disposed80,000 shares9) Price per shareUS$61.524810) Date and place of transaction15th April 2014, Singapore11) Date issuer informed of transaction15th April 201412) Additional informationNil13) Name of contact and telephone number for queriesMimi Cheng - (852) 2843 821714) Name of authorised company official responsible for making this notificationNeil M McNamara, Jardine Matheson LimitedFor and on behalf of Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited16th April 2014www.jardines.com
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