9th Dec 2013 11:47
FIDESSA GROUP PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding - Monthly Share Purchase PlanFIDESSA GROUP PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding - Monthly Share Purchase Plan
PR Newswire
London, December 9
As a result of a purchase of shares at 2160p by the Fidessa group plc MonthlyShare Purchase Plan on 6th December 2013, Mark Ames, a person dischargingmanagerial responsibilities in Fidessa group plc, became the beneficial ownerof 5 Fidessa group plc ordinary shares. Following this announcement hisshareholding is 157,518 ordinary shares in the issued share capital of theCompany, constituting 0.42% of the issued share capital. In addition, Mark Ameshas been granted matching shares equal to the number of shares purchased in thetransaction. The matching shares will vest in the September in the third yearafter the award, subject to continued employment during the vesting period. The trust for the Fidessa group plc Monthly Share Purchase Plan purchasesshares in the market in order to satisfy certain matching shares under theFidessa group plc Monthly Share Purchase Plan. As a potential beneficiary inthe trust, the executive directors and persons discharging managerialresponsibility are deemed to have a potential beneficial interest in thetrust's shares.
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