2nd Feb 2012 15:04
Performance Share Plan
Under the rules of the performance share plan, awards are subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the performance period. Accordingly, the dividend shares shown below have been notionally added to and form part of the award. In respect of the interim dividend of 10.67 pence per share paid on 1 February 2012, the number of additional shares granted has been calculated using the closing share price on 1 February 2012 of 609.00 pence per share. The figures reflect the maximum number of shares over which the option might be exercised. The actual number will depend upon the extent to which the established performance conditions are satisfied over the performance period. The awards are issued for nil consideration and may be exercised at nil cost to the participant.
Awarded 23 June 2009 - Performance period 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2012
Name of person Original Cumulative Shares added Balancedischarging managerial balance on for dividend carriedresponsibilities no. of which paid 1 forward Ordinary notional February shares dividend paid 2012 awarded Gaynor Kenyon 16,467 19,291 337 19,628 Steven Fraser 19,900 23,312 408 23,720
Awarded 12 July 2010 - Performance period 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2013
Name of director/ Original Cumulative Shares added Balance senior manager no. of balance on for dividend carried discharging Ordinary which paid 1 forward managerial shares notional February 2012 responsibilities awarded dividend paid Paul Worthington 22,091 24,172 423 24,595 Gaynor Kenyon 14,923 16,328 286 16,614 Steven Fraser 18,034 19,732 345 20,077 Russ Houlden 47,578 52,061 912 52,973
Awarded 8 July 2011 - Performance period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2014
Name of person Original Cumulative Shares added Balancedischarging no. of balance on for dividend carriedmanagerial Ordinary which paid 1 forwardresponsibilities shares notional February 2012 awarded dividend paid Steve Mogford 75,020 77,586 1,359 78,945 Russ Houlden 46,166 47,745 836 48,581 Paul Worthington 20,197 20,888 365 21,253 Gaynor Kenyon 14,427 14,920 261 15,181 Steven Fraser 18,961 19,609 343 19,952 Sally Cabrini 17,724 18,330 321 18,651 Neil Colman 13,190 13,641 238 13,879 Anthony Conway 13,190 13,641 238 13,879 Gary Dixon 12,937 13,379 234 13,613 Simon Gardiner 16,949 17,528 307 17,835
Matching Share Award Plan
Under the rules of the matching share award plan, awards are subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the performance period. Accordingly, the dividend shares shown below have been notionally added to and form part of the award. In respect of the interim dividend of 10.67 pence per share paid on 1 February 2012, the number of additional shares granted has been calculated using the closing share price on 1 February 2012 of 609.00 pence per share. The figures reflect the maximum number of shares over which the option might be exercised. The actual number will depend upon the extent to which the established performance conditions are satisfied over the performance period. The awards are issued for nil consideration and may be exercised at nil cost to the participant.
Awarded 8 July 2011 Performance period 1 April 2011 to 31 March 2014
Name of director/ No. of Cumulative Shares added Balancesenior manager Ordinary balance on for dividend carrieddischarging shares which paid 1 forwardmanagerial awarded notional February 2012 responsibilities dividend paid Steve Mogford 16,313 16,871 295 17,166 Russ Houlden 21,140 21,863 383 22,246 Sally Cabrini 9,025 9,333 163 9,496 Steven Fraser 9,965 10,305 180 10,485 Gaynor Kenyon 2,595 2,683 47 2,730
Deferred Share Award Plan
Under the rules of the deferred share award scheme (`the scheme') awards are subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the vesting period. Accordingly the dividend shares shown below have been notionally added to and form part of the award. In respect of the interim dividend of 10.67 pence per share paid on 1 February 2012, the number of additional shares awarded has been calculated using the closing share price on 1 February 2012 of 609.00 pence per share. Under the terms of the scheme, awards will (which are structured as options to acquire shares in the company with a zero exercise price) be satisfied by using shares purchased in the market or by payment of a cash amount equal to the market value, on the date of exercise, of the shares (including dividend equivalent shares) held. Newly issued or treasury shares cannot be used to satisfy awards under this plan. No directors of the company can participate in the scheme. The awards will normally become capable of exercise after the end of the vesting period and must be exercised within 90 days thereafter. The ability to exercise an award is not subject to satisfying a performance target.
Vesting period 23 June 2009 - 23 June 2012
Name of director/ No. of Cumulative Shares Balancesenior manager Ordinary balance on added for carrieddischarging managerial shares which dividend forwardresponsibilities awarded notional paid 1 dividend paid February 2012 Sally Cabrini 4,477 5,242 91 5,333 Gary Dixon 4,459 5,221 91 5,312 Steven Fraser 6,766 7,925 138 8,063
Vesting period 28 July 2010 - 28 July 2013
Name of director/ No. of Cumulative Shares added Balancesenior manager Ordinary balance on for dividend carrieddischarging shares which paid 1 forwardmanagerial awarded notional February 2012 responsibilities dividend paid Sally Cabrini 6,631 7,255 127 7,382 Gary Dixon 13,621 14,902 260 15,162 Simon Gardiner 6,005 6,570 115 6,685
Matched Share Investment Schemes
Russ Houlden - awarded 1 October 2010
As part of the terms of Russ Houlden's recruitment, the company established a matched share incentive scheme for him as sole participant by which the company undertook to match an investment of 36,710 shares made by Mr Houlden himself upon his appointment provided he remains with the company until October 2015. The award is subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the period. In respect of the interim dividend of 10.67p per share paid on 1 February 2012, the number of additional shares granted has been calculated using the closing share prices on 1 February 2012 of 609.00 pence per share.
No. of Cumulative Shares added Balance Ordinary balance on for dividend carried shares which paid 1 forward awarded notional February dividend paid 2012 36,710 38,655 677 39,332
Steve Mogford - awarded 27 May 2011
As part of the terms of Steve Mogford's recruitment, the company established a matched share incentive scheme for him as sole participant by which the company undertook to match an investment of 86,742 shares made by Mr Mogford himself upon his appointment provided he remains with the company until January 2016. The award is subject to uplift for notional dividends made or paid during the period. In respect of the interim dividend of 10.67p per share paid on 1 February 2012, the number of additional shares granted has been calculated using the closing share prices on 1 February 2012 of 609.00 pence per share.
No. of Cumulative Shares added Balance Ordinary balance on for dividend carried shares which paid 1 forward awarded notional February dividend paid 2012 86,742 89,710 1,571 91,281Share Incentive Plan
Notification was been received today that the Trustee, Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Limited, purchased ordinary shares of 5p each on behalf of the following directors/PDMRs on 1 February 2012, as dividend reinvestment shares in accordance with the rules of the Company's HMRC approved share incentive plan. The shares were purchased at a price of 610.0 pence per share.
Name of director/person Balance held No. of Shares Revised balance discharging managerial prior to purchased responsibility dividend purchase Steven Fraser 1,980 33 2,013 Simon Gardiner 2,959 50 3,009 Gaynor Kenyon 1,704 29 1,733 Neil Colman 2,692 46 2,738 Paul Worthington 411 6 417 Russ Houlden 524 8 534
Further information can be obtained from Jane Gilmore, Deputy Company Secretary 44 1 925 237052.
United Utilities Group's ordinary shares trade on the London Stock Exchange and its ADRs, each equal to two ordinary shares, trade over the counter using the trading symbol "UUGRY"
PINXRelated Shares:
United Utilities