20th Apr 2006 09:33
20 April 2006 121 Media, Inc. ("121 Media") or (the "Company") Directors' Shareholding The Company announces that it was notified on 19 April 2006 that on that date,Tim Bowen, Chief Financial Officer of the Company, purchased 10,000 commonshares of $0.001 each, of which 5,000 shares were purchased at 215p per shareand 5,000 shares were purchased at 214p, representing in aggregate 0.12 percent. of the issued share capital of the Company. The registered holder ofthese shares will be James Hay Pension Trustees, the trustees of Mr Bowen'sSelf Invested Pension Plan. Mr Bowen now has an interest over 15,000 commonshares, representing 0.18 per cent. of the issued share capital of the Company.In addition, on 19 April 2006, the Company granted share options to KentErtugrul and David Gwozdz, both Directors of the Company, over 200,000 and75,000 common shares, respectively, at an exercise price of 211.5p per share.The share options will vest in full upon the Company reaching an average of$3million in monthly net revenue over a period of six consecutive months. Theshare options will expire if the beginning of such a period does not occurwithin three years of the date of grant.Kent Ertugrul now holds 834,891 share options, of which 180,707 are exercisableat ‚£2.45 per share and 454,184 are exercisable at $0.61327. David Gwozdz nowholds 150,000 share options, of which 75,000 are exercisable at ‚£1.715 pershare.END121 MEDIA INCRelated Shares: