3rd Jun 2016 10:42
JARDINE STRATEGIC HOLDINGS LIMITEDNOTIFICATION OF TRANSACTIONS OF DIRECTORS, PERSONS DISCHARGING MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITY OR CONNECTED PERSONS1) Name of issuerJardine Strategic Holdings Limited2) State whether the notification relates to (i) a transaction notified in accordance with DTR 3.1.2 R or (ii) a disclosure made in accordance with section 793 of the Companies Act 2006(i) DTR 3.1.2 R3) Name of person discharging managerial responsibilities / directorDr George Koo4) State whether notification relates to a person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibilities / director named in 3 and identify the connected personThe notification includes the interest of a connected person, being 777 shares acquired by Doris Koo (spouse)5) Description of shares (including class), debentures or derivatives or financial instruments relating to sharesOrdinary shares of US$0.05 each6) State the nature of the transactionAcquisition of shares7) Number of shares, debentures or financial instruments relating to shares acquired1,006 shares8) Number of shares, debentures or financial instruments relating to shares disposedN/A9) Price per shareUS$28.51410) Date and place of transaction24th May 2016, Singapore11) Date issuer informed of transaction3rd June 201612) Additional informationNil13) Name of contact and telephone number for queriesCarmen Tam - (852) 2843 827014) Name of authorised company official responsible for making this notificationNeil M McNamara, Jardine Matheson LimitedFor and on behalf of Jardine Strategic Holdings Limited3rd June 2016www.jardines.com
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