29th Apr 2013 15:00
INTERSERVE PLC - Director/PDMR ShareholdingINTERSERVE PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding
PR Newswire
London, April 29
Pursuant to Disclosure and Transparency Rule 3.1.2, Interserve Plc (the"Company") announces that it was informed on 26 April 2013 by Capita TrusteesLimited, in its capacity as Trustee of the Interserve Employee Benefit Trust,that the following ordinary shares of 10p each in the Company were transferredfor no consideration to certain Executive Directors/Person DischargingManagerial Responsibilities ("PDMR") on 19 April 2013 pursuant to theInterserve Plc Performance Share Plan 2006. The number of shares vested wassubject to the satisfaction of certain performance conditions over a three-yearperiod based on earnings per share and total shareholder return.
Executive Directors
1. 104,909 shares acquired by Steven Dance (0.08% of issued share capital) andwere subsequently disposed at an average share price of £4.75 per share on theLondon Stock Exchange on 19 - 25 April 2013. Mr Dance's interest in ordinaryshares of 10p each in the Company remains at 100,692 shares (0.08% of issuedshare capital).
2. 104,909 shares acquired by Bruce Melizan (0.08% of issued share capital) andwere subsequently disposed at an average share price of £4.75 per share on theLondon Stock Exchange on 19 -25 April 2013. Mr Melizan's interest in ordinaryshares of 10p each in the Company remains at 101,112 shares (0.08% of issuedshare capital).
3. 88,124 shares acquired by Mr David Paterson (0.06% of issued share capital)and were subsequently disposed at an average share price of £4.75 per share onthe London Stock Exchange on 19 - 25 April 2013. Mr Paterson's interest inordinary shares of 10p each in the Company remains at 37,500 shares (0.03% ofissued share capital).
4. 176,248 shares acquired by Adrian Ringrose (0.14% of issued share capital).72,090 shares were disposed at an average share price of £4.75 per share on theLondon Stock Exchange on 19 - 25 April 2013 to pay for tax/NI and sale costs.The remaining shares have been retained. Mr Ringrose now has an interest in400,118 ordinary shares of 10p each in the Company (0.31% of issued sharecapital).
5. 77,180 shares acquired by Douglas Sutherland (0.06% of issued sharecapital). 31,569 shares were disposed at an average share price of £4.75 pershare on the London Stock Exchange on 19 -25 April 2013 to pay for tax/NI andsale costs. The remaining shares have been retained. Mr Sutherland now has aninterest in 98,177 ordinary shares of 10p each in the Company (0.07% of issuedshare capital).
1. 63,048 shares acquired by Trevor Bradbury (0.05% of issued share capital).
25,788 shares were disposed at an average share price of £4.75 per share on the London Stock Exchange on 19 - 25 April 2013 to pay for tax/NI and sale costs. The remaining shares have been retained. Mr Bradbury now has an interest in 115,619 ordinary shares of 10p each in the Company (0.08% of issued share capital).2. 33,571 shares acquired by George Franks (0.03% of issued share capital) and
were subsequently disposed at an average share price of £4.75 per share on the London Stock Exchange on 19 - 25 April 2013. Mr Franks' interest in ordinary shares of 10p each in the Company remains at 1,475 shares (0.001% of issued share capital).3. 26,647 shares acquired by Ian Renhard (0.02% of issued share capital).
10,900 shares were disposed at an average share price of £4.75 per share on
the London Stock Exchange on 19 -25 April 2013 to pay for tax/NI and sale
costs. The remaining shares have been retained. Mr Renhard now has an
interest in 45,895 ordinary shares of 10p each in the Company (0.04% of
issued share capital). 29 April 2013 Trevor Bradbury Group Secretary Tel: 0118 932 0123Related Shares: