10th Sep 2013 10:54
MANDARIN ORIENTAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDNOTIFICATION OF TRANSACTIONS OF DIRECTORS/PERSONS DISCHARGING MANAGERIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND CONNECTED PERSONS1) Name of issuerMandarin Oriental International Limited2) State whether the notification relates to (i) a transaction notified in accordance with DTR 3.1.2 R, or (ii) a disclosure made in accordance with section 793 of the Companies Act (2006)(i) DTR 3.1.2 R3) Name of person discharging managerial responsibilities/directorLincoln Leong4) State whether notification relates to a person connected with a person discharging managerial responsibilities/director named in 3 and identify the connected personThe notification includes the interests of connected persons, Winlong Investment Ltd ('Winlong') and Shellbourne Trustees (BVI) Limited (the 'Trustee'), the trustee of two trusts of which Mr Leong is a discretionary beneficiary which holds a 50% interest in Winlong.5) Description of shares (including class), debentures or derivatives or financial instruments relating to sharesOrdinary shares of US$0.05 each6) State the nature of the transaction(i) Transfer of 51,200 ordinary shares in MOIL by way of a distribution of specie by Winlong to its shareholders. The Trustee received 25,600 ordinary shares in MOIL from the distribution and, in turn, distributed the shares to its beneficiaries, pursuant to which Mr Leong received 12,800 ordinary shares in MOIL.
(ii) Acquisition of the remaining 163 ordinary shares in MOIL from Winlong by Mr Leong.
7) Number of shares, debentures or financial instruments relating to shares acquired(i) 12,800 shares
(ii) 163 shares
8) Number of shares, debentures or financial instruments relating to shares disposed(i) 38,400 shares
(ii) Nil9) Price per share
(i) N/A
(ii) US$1.58 per share10) Date and place of transaction10th September 2013, the shares are registered on the Singapore branch register
11) Date issuer informed of transaction10th September 201312) Additional informationFollowing the above transactions, Mr Lincoln Leong no longer has an interest in 38,400 shares previously held by a connected person, but instead is directly interested in 12,963 shares.13) Name of contact and telephone number for queriesCarmen Tam on 852 2843 827014) Name of authorized official of issuer responsible for making this notificationNeil M McNamara, Jardine Matheson LimitedFor and on behalf of Mandarin Oriental International Limited10th September 2013www.mandarinoriental.com
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