24th Jul 2007 16:13
The Berkeley Group Holdings plc ("the Company")
The Company makes this notification in relation to transactions notified in accordance with DR 3.1.4R(1)(a) and DR 3.1.4.R(1)(b) a disclosure made in accordance with section 324 (as extended by section 328) of the Companies Act 1985.
The Company was notified on 23 July 2007 that, under The Berkeley Group plc 2000 Long Term Incentive Plan (the "Plan"), 313,401 Units (each comprising one new Ordinary Share, one 2008 B Share and one 2010 B Share) ("Units") in the Company vested in participants of the Plan on 22 July 2007, at nil consideration in accordance with the Rules of The Berkeley Group plc 2000 Long Term Incentive Plan. 211,965 Units in the Company vested in Directors as detailed in the table below:
Name of director Number of Percentage of Total Holding Total Units Vested issued class following Percentage Notification of Issued Class following Notification A W Pidgley a) 98,360 a) 0.081% a) 1,820,327 a) 1.507% (Beneficial) b) 0.016% b) 19,183 c) 0.004% (non-Beneficial) c) 4,488 (Mrs S J Pidgley) A Carey 53,114 0.044% 408,348 0.338% G J Fry 28,524 0.024% 189,498 0.157% R C G Perrins 31,967 0.026% 85,988 0.071%
The balance of the Units vested relate to those beneficiaries of the Plan who are not Directors or Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibility of the Company.
A MassieAssistant Company Secretary
Dated: 24 July 2007
Berkeley Group