29th Jul 2016 10:31
Date of notification: 29th July 2016
Notification of transactions of PDMR in connection with the vesting of awards under the Company's long-term incentive plan arrangements
Severfield plc announces that it was notified on 28th July 2016 of the following transaction by Derek Randall, a PDMR in connection with certain awards vesting under the Severfield plc Performance Share Plan.
Name of PDMR: Derek Randall.
Reason for notification: Acquisition and disposal of ordinary shares.
Nature of transaction: 230,695 ordinary shares acquired for nil consideration upon the settlement of a long-term incentive award and the same day disposal of 73,690 of such ordinary shares (settlement of tax liability) at a price of 49.05pence
Name of issuer: Severfield plc.
Legal Entity Identified code: 21380025AWPR781CY104.
Financial instrument: Ordinary shares of 2.5 pence each.
Date and place of the transaction: 28th July and Outside a Trading Venue.
Price (only relevant for disposals): 49.05 pence per ordinary share in respect of noted disposals.
Name of Company Official responsible for making notification:
Mark Sanderson, Company Secretary
Contact details: 01845 577896
Severfield plc
Severs House
Dalton Airfield Industrial Estate
North Yorkshire
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