7th Apr 2015 09:51
FIDESSA GROUP PLC - Director/PDMR ShareholdingFIDESSA GROUP PLC - Director/PDMR Shareholding
PR Newswire
London, April 7
Fidessa group plc ("the Company") Director / PDMR shareholdings The Company has been notified that on 2nd April 2015, Paul Nokes, a PDMR of theCompany, sold 4,506 ordinary shares in the Company at an average price of 2220peach and on 31st March 2015 a person connected to Paul Nokes sold 815 ordinaryshares in the Company at an average price of 2211p each. Following thisnotification his shareholding is 98,502 ordinary shares in the issued sharecapital of the Company, constituting 0.26% of the issued share capital.
7th April 2015
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