21st Nov 2017 08:42
FIDESSA GROUP PLC - Directorate ChangeFIDESSA GROUP PLC - Directorate Change
PR Newswire
London, November 21
Fidessa group plc
21st November 2017
Directorate Changes
Fidessa group plc (Fidessa) announces that Elizabeth Lake, non-executive director, has informed the board that she will step down from Fidessa's board on 31st December 2017. Elizabeth joined the board in October 2008 and has served over 9 years as a non-executive director and during that time has been a member of the audit, remuneration and nomination committees.
Commenting on Elizabeth Lake's departure, John Hamer, Fidessa's Chairman, said:
“I would like to personally thank Elizabeth for her excellent contribution to Fidessa’s development during her tenure. Elizabeth has always provided wise support and counsel and it has been a pleasure to work alongside her. On behalf of the board I wish her all the very best for the future.”
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