21st Sep 2012 07:00
Richoux Group plc ("Richoux" or the "Company")
Directorate Change
The Board of Richoux is pleased to announce the appointment of Edward Standring, aged 40, as an Executive Director of the Company, with immediate effect. Mr Standring is to be the Managing Director of Richoux and will work alongside Salvatore Diliberto, the Company's Chief Executive.
Mr Standring is currently a director of Relish Restaurants Ltd and Café Pasta Ltd and has previously held management roles with ASK Restaurants Limited and Spirit Group.
Mr Standring does not own any ordinary shares in the Company. On appointment as an executive director of the Company, Mr Standring was granted 500,000 options over ordinary shares in the Company at a price of 9.025 pence, being the average closing price per ordinary share in the 20 dealing days immediately prior to the date of grant. The options can be exercised on the date following the date of grant and any subsisting options will lapse on the tenth anniversary of the date of grant. Mr Standring cannot dispose of any shares issued on the exercise of the options until the third anniversary of the date of grant. Save for these options, Mr Standring holds no further options over ordinary shares.
Save for the declarations above there is no further information to be disclosed in respect of the appointment of Mr Standring under Rule 17 or Schedule 2 paragraph (g) of the AIM Rules for Companies.
21 September 2012
Related Shares:
Richoux Group