29th Jan 2009 10:39
29 January 2009
Acta S.p.A. ("Acta" or the "Company")
Directorate Change
Acta, the catalyst technology development company, announces that Geoff Bicknell is resigning as Non-Executive Director, effective 20th February 2009, to dedicate himself more fully to his other business commitments.
Mr Bicknell was previously the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Committee of Acta. In the light of the Company's programme to reduce external service costs in response to present market conditions, Acta is not currently intending to recruit a replacement for Mr Bicknell's position. Mr Bicknell's roles on these Committees will therefore be fulfilled respectively by Mr Fabio Mastrangelo and Mr Marco Casoni, both of whom are currently Non-Executive Directors of the Company.
Paolo Bert, Chief Executive, commented:
"Geoff has served on the Board of Acta for three and a half years, and has been an invaluable source of experience, advice and support throughout the growth of the company. I would like to thank him for his contribution to the business, and we wish him all the best for the future."
- Ends -
For further information please contact:
Acta S.p.A: |
Paul Barritt, Chief Financial Officer |
Tel: +39 050 644281 |
Smithfield Consultants: |
Katie Hunt / Will Henderson |
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7360 4900 |
Charles Stanley Securities (Nominated Adviser): |
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7149 6000 |
Russell Cook / Freddy Crossley |
Notes to Editors
About Acta
Acta develops and manufactures unique patented catalysts which have been launched to the renewable energy, automotive, battery and industrial markets. Acta is also developing other commercial opportunities using its catalysts for industrial waste treatment.
Acta's catalysts and alkaline system know-how are at the heart of the Company's development of a new, high pressure water electrolyser technology which has demonstrated low cost, platinum free, high pressure hydrogen generation. Combined with a platinum free fuel cell, the system offers a solution to the problem of how to store surplus energy produced from large scale, intermittent renewable energy sources (eg wind farms).
Acta's catalysts are also undergoing customer tests in applications such as ammonia treatment (removal of ammonia from an industrial waste stream), and zinc-air batteries (a high performance and environmentally friendly battery technology), as well as fuel cell and other applications.
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