15th Feb 2016 15:01
FIDESSA GROUP PLC - Directorate ChangeFIDESSA GROUP PLC - Directorate Change
PR Newswire
London, February 15
Fidessa group plc (the "Company")
Further to the Company's announcements on 18th August and 26th October 2015 informing the market that Andy Malpass intended to retire as an executive director of the Company following the announcement of the 2015 preliminary results, the Company today announces that Andy Malpass has retired from the Company and leaves the Board with immediate effect.
John Hamer, Chairman of Fidessa said, “Andy has served as the Company’s CFO for the past two decades during which time Fidessa’s revenues have grown from £7m to £295m (2015). Andy played a key role in our stock market flotation in 1997 and since then has been instrumental in helping develop the business into a global leader. Andy’s knowledge, commitment, integrity and pragmatic style are all highly valued within the Company, but are also widely recognised and admired in the investment community, where his solid and consistent approach has served all of Fidessa’s shareholders extremely well. Andy has also helped ensure a smooth transition period and handover for his successor, Andy Skelton. We all thank Andy for his invaluable contribution to Fidessa and sincerely wish him all the very best for the future.”
15th February 2016
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