23rd Jun 2022 09:00
BAE Systems announces Lord Sedwill to join the Board as a non-executive director
The Board of BAE Systems plc is pleased to announce the appointment of Lord Sedwill as a non-executive director of the Company with effect from 1 November 2022.
Sir Roger Carr, Chairman of BAE Systems plc, said:
"I am delighted that Mark has agreed to join the BAE Systems Board. He is globally respected and has enjoyed an outstanding public service career at the most senior level. He will bring well-informed geopolitical and economic perspectives to the Board, as well as experience in leading large and complex organisations. His appointment will be a great addition to the Board and further strengthens its credentials given the Company's role in supporting global security."
Lord Sedwill said:
"BAE Systems is the UK's leading defence company and is thus central to this country's national security and economic agenda. I am delighted to have been invited to join the Board and look forward to contributing to the Company's continuing success".
Lord Sedwill had a long career in a wide range of national security and diplomatic roles in the UK and overseas. In his final decade in public service, he was British Ambassador and NATO Representative in Afghanistan, Foreign Office Political Director, Home Office Permanent Secretary, culminating in his period as National Security Advisor (2017-20) and Cabinet Secretary (2018-20). Prior to this, he held diplomatic and security posts, serving in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Cyprus and Pakistan.
He is a senior adviser and Supervisory Board member of Rothschild & Co, and the Senior Independent Director and Senior Deputy Chair of Lloyd's of London. He is also the Chairman of the Atlantic Future Forum and a member of the UK Parliament's House of Lords. Educated at the University of St Andrews and the University of Oxford, Lord Sedwill is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and of the Institute of Directors. He is President of the Special Forces Club and has several charitable interests.
Lord Sedwill retired from public service in September 2020 and will join the Board on 1 November 2022. As such, his appointment will be effective after the two-year period covered by the UK Government's Business Appointment Rules for Civil Servants. Notwithstanding that, he has received written confirmation that the UK Government does not have any concerns regarding this appointment.
There is no further information required to be disclosed pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.13.
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