10th Aug 2007 10:00
HBOS PLC10 August 2007 Senior HBOS Appointments The Board of HBOS plc announces some important senior appointments. Philip Gore-Randall, (54), a director and former COO of Aon UK, is joining theboard next month as Chief Operating Officer (COO). In addition, Mike Ellis,(56), former Group Finance Director at HBOS plc, is rejoining the Group and theBoard in September to resume his previous responsibilities as Finance Director.Mike is joining HBOS following Phil Hodkinson's, (49), decision to retire asGroup Finance Director on his 50th birthday next April. Jo Dawson, (45), Chief Executive, Insurance & Investment, will takeresponsibility with immediate effect for Retail Distribution - including theRetail branch network, and HBOS's other retail sales, intermediary andspecialist banking teams - in addition to her existing Insurance & Investmentresponsibilities. Dan Watkins, (44), currently Group Risk Director and a memberof the Executive Committee, joins the board as Chief Executive, Retail Products. Dan will be responsible for the design and manufacture of the Group's Retailproducts, including marketing and e-commerce. Following these structuralchanges, Benny Higgins, (46), CEO, Retail, has decided to leave the Group.Benny will leave at the end of the year and will work with Jo Dawson and DanWatkins in the interim period. Philip Gore-Randall will join the board, subject to FSA approval, in September.He will be responsible for IT, major change programmes, the Group's costefficiency improvement programme and a range of other Group functions. Philipis a chartered accountant with extensive experience in the UK and overseas at asenior level in large financial organisations. As well as being COO at AON, hewas Chairman and Chief Executive at Aon Risk Services. A Managing Partner atAndersen for many years, Philip was subsequently elected UK Managing Partner andthen appointed Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer for the worldwidepractice. Mike Ellis will be responsible for business planning and performance, investorrelations, and a range of other functions. Mike will rejoin the board, subjectto FSA approval on 25th September and will work closely with Phil before heleaves the Group on 30th April 2008. From 1st January 2008, Mike will assumethe role of Group Finance Director; Phil will then work closely with him on thepreparation of the 2007 results and will continue to lead the Group's corporateresponsibility and climate change programmes. Mike Ellis retired as GroupFinance Director at HBOS at the end of 2005 following 17 years service at theGroup. Phil Hodkinson was appointed CEO of the Group's Insurance & Investment divisionin 2001. Under Phil's leadership, HBOS delivered very significant growth acrossits Insurance & Investment business, including the successful launch of HalifaxHome Insurance and the first no load bancassurance range in the UK. In 2005,Phil was appointed Group Finance Director with responsibility for businessplanning and performance, investor relations and a range of other importantfunctions. He also has board level accountability for corporate responsibilityand the HBOS Foundation, an independent, registered charity funded by donationsfrom the Group. Phil is also a board member of Business in the Community. Jo Dawson joined the board in May 2006, as Chief Executive, Insurance &Investment, with responsibility for developing the Group's position as the UK'slargest investment provider and a leading player in general insurance. Jojoined the Halifax in 2000 as General Manager, Retail Sales, with responsibilityfor sales management and the development of the UK's largest bancassurancebusiness. Dan Watkins, currently Group Risk Director, was previously Retail Risk Directorand, prior to that, Managing Director, at Birmingham Midshires, the Group'sspecialist mortgage lending arm. Dan led the very successful development of theBirmingham Midshires franchise, including the doubling of its mortgage book anda significant expansion in liquid savings. Dan joined the Group from MorganGrenfell in 1993. Benny Higgins joined HBOS in May 2006 from Royal Bank of Scotland where he wasHead of Retail Banking. At HBOS, Benny has successfully managed the Group'sRetail business, including maintaining its leadership position in mortgages. Healso led the Group's continued significant growth in current accounts and theexpansion of its liquid savings book, reinforcing HBOS's number one position inthe process. Following these changes, the executive directors are: Andy Hornby (Group ChiefExecutive); Phil Hodkinson/Mike Ellis (Group Finance Director/Group FinanceDirector Designate); Philip Gore-Randall (Chief Operating Officer); PeterCummings (Chief Executive, Corporate); Jo Dawson (Chief Executive, RetailDistribution and Insurance & Investment); Dan Watkins (Chief Executive, RetailProducts); Colin Matthew (Chief Executive, International and Treasury & AssetManagement). Andy Hornby, Group Chief Executive said: "I am delighted that Philip Gore-Randall is joining the Group. Philip hasextensive commercial experience at the highest level. His management andleadership skills will be a great asset to the Group. Phil Hodkinson has made a major contribution to the Group both as FinanceDirector and Chief Executive of our Insurance & Investment business. We arenaturally sorry to see Phil leave but understand his wish to pursue otherinterests, especially in the charitable sector where he is already very active. In Mike Ellis, we welcome back to the Group someone with an intimate knowledgeof HBOS. I know Mike is really looking forward to getting fully involved again. The structural changes we have introduced in our Retail business are right forthe Group. Benny Higgins felt that the new structure was not right for him sohe has decided to move on. We thank Benny for his contribution during his timeat HBOS and wish him all the best in the future. Jo Dawson and Dan Watkins have outstanding track records developing and leadingbusinesses within our Retail and Insurance & Investment divisions. They areexceptionally well placed to develop our Retail and Insurance & Investmentfranchises." Philip Gore-Randall commented: "I am very pleased to be joining HBOS. HBOS is a very strong business withexciting growth plans. I look forward to helping to drive those plans forward." Phil Hodkinson said: "I have really enjoyed the seven years I have been an executive director atHBOS. I am particularly pleased to be handing over to Mike Ellis, with whom Iworked for a number of years. I feel the time is right for me to do otherthings, particularly in the charity world, but I will continue to take a closeinterest in HBOS." Mike Ellis said: "It is great to be back. HBOS is a first class organisation which I know verywell. Having tried the 'plural life' for a few years, I am really lookingforward to being 'singular' once more and fully involved in the business." Benny Higgins commented: "I have really enjoyed working with so many colleagues across HBOS so it has notbeen an easy decision for me to leave. I wish the Group all the best in thefuture." Investor Relations John Hope Investor Relations (0131) 243 5508 [email protected] Press Office ShaneO'Riordain/Mark Hemingway Group Communications 0131 243 5572 Shaneo'[email protected] [email protected] Notes to Editors 1. Philip Gore-Randall Philip Gore-Randall is a chartered accountant by profession. A Managing Partnerat Andersen for many years, Philip was subsequently elected UK Managing Partnerand then appointed Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer for theworldwide practice. He managed the wind down of Andersen worldwide. Philip isa graduate of the University of Oxford. 2. Mike Ellis Mike joined the Halifax in 1987 as Group Treasurer and in 1992 became GeneralManager, Treasury & European Operations. In 1996 he became Banking and SavingsDirector; in 1999 he was appointed Chief Operating Officer of the Halifax.Following the merger of the Halifax and Bank of Scotland in 2001, Mike wasappointed Group Finance Director of HBOS plc. 3. Phil Hodkinson After a career in the life assurance industry, including senior managementpositions at Allied Dunbar, Eagle Star and Zurich Financial Services, PhilHodkinson was appointed Chief Executive of the Insurance & Investment divisionat HBOS in September 2001. Phil is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries and agraduate from the University of Cambridge. He is also a non executive directorfor the BT Group. 4. Jo Dawson Jo joined the Halifax in 2000 as General Manager, Retail Sales, from Green Flagwhere she had been Business Development Director. Prior to that, Jo held anumber of senior management positions at NatWest in both the Retail andCorporate divisions. Jo Dawson was appointed Group Risk Director in early 2005and joined the Executive Committee. She is a graduate of Cambridge Universityand has an MBA from Warwick Business School. 5. Dan Watkins Dan joined Birmingham Midshires from Morgan Grenfell in 1993. After holding anumber of senior management positions at Birmingham Midshires, Dan was appointedManaging Director. He subsequently led the very successful expansion of theBirmingham Midshires business. Under his leadership, profits and the mortgagebook both doubled in size. Dan then moved from Birmingham Midshires to becomeRisk Director in the Retail division. He was appointed Group Risk Director anda member of the Executive Committee last year. 6. Benny Higgins Benny Higgins joined HBOS in May 2006 from Royal Bank of Scotland where he wasHead of Retail Banking and led the successful integration of NatWest Retailwithin the wider group. An actuary, Benny was at Standard Life for a number ofyears and was a member of the Group Executive there. Benny is also amathematics graduate from the University of Glasgow. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Halifax 9.375bd