21st Mar 2018 17:50
21 March 2018
Immunodiagnostic Systems Holdings plc
Directorate Change
Immunodiagnostic Systems Holdings plc (IDS), a specialist producer of manual and automated diagnostic testing kits and instruments for the clinical market, announces that Mr. Roland Sackers informed the Company earlier today that he will leave the Board for personal reasons, effective from 30 June 2018, after seven years of service.
IDS will not replace Mr. Sackers on the Board as it believes it has sufficient expertise across its remaining directors and would like to better align the size of its Board with the size of the Company.
Mr. Peter Williamson, non-executive director, will take over as Chairman of the Audit Committee; however Mr. Sackers will stay as Chairman of the Audit Committee until the end of June 2018, which is expected to coincide with the completion of the FY2018 audit process.
Following these changes and effective from 1 July 2018, the Board of IDS will be comprised of:
Dr. Burkhard Wittek Non-Executive Chairman
Dr. Jaap Stuut CEO
Mr. Paul Martin CFO
Dr. Peter Kaspar Non-Executive Director
Mr. Peter Williamson Non-Executive Director
Mr. Till Campe Non-Executive Director
Dr. Burkhard Wittek, Non-Executive Chairman, said:
"I would like to thank Roland for his contributions and service to IDS during the last seven years as a non-executive director. He has been an invaluable resource in defining and implementing best practices in many areas. As Head of the Audit Committee, he has helped to increase transparency and raise internal standards for compliance. I wish him well for the future."
For further information:
Immunodiagnostic Systems Holdings plc Tel: +44 (0) 191 519 0660
Paul Martin, Group Finance Director
Peel Hunt LLP Tel: +44 (0) 20 7418 8900
James Steel
Oliver Jackson
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