15th Nov 2012 09:29
R.E.A. Holdings plc ("REA", the "company")
Appointment and retirement of directors
REA announces that Mr Mark Parry and Mrs Irene Chia have agreed to be appointed to the board of the company, respectively as executive director and independent non-executive director, with effect from 31 December 2012.
Mr Parry joined the REA group in May 2011, as the group's regional director based in Singapore, becoming President Director of the group's principal operating subsidiary PT REA Kaltim Plantations in Indonesia in July 2012. After graduation, Mr Parry worked for 10 years as a surveyor and engineer in the mining and oil and gas industries. Following completion of an MBA at the London Business School, Mr Parry spent 15 years with an international bank, ultimately as Managing Director, Project Finance, before establishing his own consultancy company which he ran for 2 years prior to joining REA.
Mrs Chia has extensive corporate, investment and entrepreneurial experience in Asia, the USA and the UK. A graduate in economics and formerly a director of one of the Jardine Matheson Group companies, Mrs Chia, who now lives in Singapore, is currently self-employed with Far Eastern interests in consulting, property and financial investment as well as in the charitable sector.
Also with effect from 31 December 2012, as anticipated in the company's half yearly report 2012 published on 24 August 2012, four long serving independent non-executive directors, Messrs Green-Armytage, Keatley, Letts and Lim, will retire from the REA board.
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