19th Jan 2007 14:20
Sterling Energy PLC19 January 2007 STERLING ENERGY PLC ('Sterling' or the 'Company') Board Appointment Sterling Energy plc, the AIM listed energy company with activities in the Gulfof Mexico and Africa, today announces the appointment of Dr Richard Stabbins asa non-executive director of the Company with immediate effect. Panther Energy Limited, in which Dr Stabbins has an effective 84.4% interest,currently has a beneficial holding of 4,474,272 ordinary shares of 1 pence each("Ordinary Shares") representing 0.29 per cent. of the issued share capital ofthe Company. Dr Stabbins, aged 63, has worked in number of senior roles within in the oil andgas industry over the last 38 years. After graduating with a PhD in Geology fromUniversity College, London, he worked for the government of Saskatchewan inCanada, the Murphy Eastern Oil Company and Ranger Oil before joining GoalPetroleum in 1981 where he worked for 15 years. From 1989-1996, Dr. Stabbins wasGoal's Exploration Director. Following Goal's acquisition by Talisman in 1996, Dr. Stabbins set up his ownoil & gas consultancy, Panther Energy Ltd. In 1997, he acquired a majority stakein another consultancy Montrose Industries Ltd which in turn took over Pantherin 2005. Panther and Montrose's clients over the past ten years include AmSOL,Eclipse Energy, LEPCO and Fusion Oil & Gas. Commenting today, Harry Wilson, Chief Executive of Sterling Energy Plc,commented: "I am delighted that Dick Stabbins is joining Sterling. I know Dick well fromhis days with Ranger and I am confident that he will be an excellent addition tothe Board where we shall be making full use of his geological knowledge andexperience." Enquiries Sterling Energy (01582 462 121)Harry WilsonGraeme Thomson Citigate Dewe Rogerson (020 7638 9571)Media enquiries: Martin Jackson / George CazenoveAnalyst enquiries: Nina Soon Save for the declarations below there are no updated disclosures to be made inrespect of the appointment of Dr Stabbins under rule 17 and under Schedule 2paragraph (g) of the AIM rules. Current DirectorshipsCompany Date of AppointmentPanther Energy Limited 12 September 1996Montrose Industries Limited 17 March 1997Bloomsbury DSP Limited 12 April 2005Bonadark Limited 13 April 2005 Previous DirectorshipsCompany Date of ResignationGeological Society of London 7 May 2003Fusion Oil & Gas NL 7 January 2004Fusion Oil & Gas plc 7 January 2004Brookfield Mansions Limited 10 December 2003Serica Energy (UK) Limited 13 February 2004London Lesbian & Gay Switchboard 23 October 2005ARKEX Limited 4 August 2005EnCore Oil plc 3 March 2006 Dr Stabbins was previously a director of Opengreen Limited ("Opengreen") whichwas put into voluntary liquidation by Opengreen's directors on the sale of itsonly asset (an apartment) in July 1992. Opengreen had no outstanding creditors. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares: