6th May 2016 07:39
6 May 2016
Xchanging plc
Directorate change
This notification is made in accordance with LR 9.6.11.
Following the announcement that the offer by CSC Computer Sciences International Operations Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Computer Sciences Corporation ("CSC") to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Xchanging plc ("Xchanging") had become unconditional in all respects, David Bauernfeind has notified the board of Xchanging that he has decided to leave Xchanging. David will remain with Xchanging for approximately one month to manage a handover to CSC, and will leave on the delisting of Xchanging becoming effective.
Geoff Unwin, the departing chairman of Xchanging, said: "I would like to take this opportunity to thank David for all his work at Xchanging since joining the group in 2001, and especially as Group CFO since June 2011. The board wishes him all the best for the future."
Xchanging plc Tel: 020 3604 5001
Anna M. Myburgh, Company Secretary
Maitland Tel: 020 7379 5151
Emma Burdett
Dan Yea
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