13th Jan 2014 17:30
Pursuant to Channel Islands Securities Exchange Listing Rule the Company announces the appointment of Mr John Le Prevost as non-executive Director of the Company effective from 13 January 2014.
Details of Mr Le Prevost's experience are set out below:
Mr Le Prevost is a director of Anson Registrars Limited, the Company's registrar. He has spent 30 years working in offshore trusts and investment business during which time he was managing director of County NatWest Investment Management (Channel Islands) Limited, Royal Bank of Canada's mutual fund company in Guernsey and Republic National Bank of New York's international trust company. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Anson Group Limited, a director of a number of companies and a trustee of the Guernsey Sailing Trust. He is also resident in Guernsey.
Mr Le Prevost has confirmed the following information to be disclosed under UKLA Listing Rule LR 9.6.13R:-
Current directorships
BlueCrest AllBlue Fund Limited
Doric Nimrod Air One Limited
Doric Nimrod Air Three Limited
Guaranteed Investment Products 1 PCC Limited
Harewood Structured Investment PCC Limited
Thai Prime Fund Limited
Past directorships
Agricultural Commodities Trust Limited
Close Man Guaranteed Hedge Fund II Limited
Close Enhanced Commodities Fund II Limited
European Equity Tranche Income Limited
Japanese Accelerated Performance Fund Limited
The Close Man Hedge Fund Limited
MW Tops Limited
Close Enhanced Commodities Fund Limited
Close European Accelerated Fund Limited
Close Fund Management Portfolios II PCC Limited
For further information contact:
JTC Fund Managers (Guernsey) Limited
Tel: 01481 702 400
13 January 2014
E&OE - In transmission
Related Shares:
Doric Nimrod 2