25th Jan 2011 10:11
Punch Taverns plc
Punch Taverns today announces that Ian Wilson will be stepping down as Non Executive Director from the Board with immediate effect, due to Ian relocating to Switzerland with his company Amcor. Since joining the Punch Taverns' Board in 2007, Ian has made a considerable contribution to the business and the Board would like to take this opportunity to wish him well for the future.
Punch is also announcing that Steve Dando, Group Financial Controller, has been appointed to the role of Acting Finance Director, with effect from 1 February 2011. As a result, Phil Dutton, whose resignation was announced in November, will leave the business on 31 January 2011.
Steve Dando joined Punch Taverns in 2003 as Chief Accountant and was promoted to Group Financial Controller in 2009. During his time with Punch, Steve has played a major role in the corporate financing and structuring of the group and has a wealth of experience in the finance sector, previously holding a number of senior finance roles with Courtaulds Plc and Price Waterhouse Coopers.
Punch Taverns
Sarah Perrins, Head of PR & Communications 01283 523548
Brunswick Group
0207 404 5959
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