1st Jul 2015 08:21
1 July 2015
Ricardo plc announces that Professor Hans Joachim Schöpf retired from the Board on 30 June 2015. Professor Schöpf joined Ricardo in September 2007 as a non-executive director to its German division and Ricardo Technology Steering Group. Professor Schöpf became a non-executive director of the Ricardo plc board in July 2009.
Commenting on the retirement of Professor Schöpf, Terry Morgan, Chairman of Ricardo plc said:
"On behalf of the Board I would like to thank Hans for his positive contribution in guiding the development of Ricardo's global strategy over the last 6 years, and we wish him all the very best for the future."
Ricardo is pleased to announce that Ms Laurie Bowen has been appointed non-executive director of Ricardo plc.
Laurie Bowen joined IBM in 1983, rising to Managing Director, Lloyds TSB in 2004. In 2006, she joined BT as President, Global Financial Services and Chief Executive Officer, Radianz leaving BT, in 2010 as Managing Director, Commercial & Brands. She then moved to the Tata Group in 2010 becoming President, Enterprise Business & Growth Ventures, Tata Communications in 2012. Since 2014, Ms Bowen has been Chief Executive Officer, Business Solutions, Cable & Wireless Communications. Ms Bowen was also non-executive director of Transcom Worldwide from 2012 to 2014.
Ms Bowen has an MBA and BScs in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Washington University in St Louis.
Commenting on the appointment of Laurie Bowen, Dave Shemmans, CEO of Ricardo plc, said:
"I am pleased to welcome Laurie to the Board and I am confident that she will make a positive contribution and introduce an additional international dimension to the Board."
Terry Morgan, Chairman of Ricardo plc, added:
"This is again a demonstration that Ricardo can attract the very best of international talent. Laurie will be a valuable member of the board and we look forward to welcoming her and to the guidance that she will bring."
Information Notified Pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.13
Laurie Bowen holds, or has held, the following directorships of publicly quoted companies in the previous five years:
Cable & Wireless Communications
Tata Communications
Transcom Worldwide
There are no other details to disclose under Listing Rule 9.6.13.
After six years' service, David Hall has stepped down as Senior Independent Director. David will continue in his role as Non-Executive Director until the close of the Annual General Meeting on 4 November 2015.
Following recommendation from the Nomination Committee, Peter Gilchrist CB will succeed as Senior Independent Director on 1 July 2015.
Terry Morgan said: "On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank David for his valuable contribution as Senior Independent Director and I look forward to working with Peter in his new role."
For further information contact:
The Company Secretary, Patricia Ryan 01273 794776
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