13th May 2016 17:00
Directorate Change
Phil Bentley
Telecoms provider, Cable & Wireless Communications Plc confirms today that Chief Executive Officer, Phil Bentley, will leave the Company on Monday 16th May 2016 on completion of the recommended takeover of the Company by Liberty Global plc.Bentley is credited with establishing the Miami operating hub, launching the investment-led "Project Marlin" strategy, adding world class TV capabilities through the acquisition of Columbus, and delivering a top line growth turnaround of the business.Chairman, Sir Richard Lapthorne said "On behalf of the CWC Board I'd like to thank Phil for his service to the Company. He has transformed the Company's operating performance both financially and culturally, and he master-minded the important acquisition of Columbus, designing and executing an excellent integration programme which is delivering the promised substantial synergy benefits. Combined, these actions have placed CWC's total returns to shareholders in the top decile of telecom performance since he first started. He has also created a highly talented and cohesive management team which is well qualified to continue to drive forward the business under Liberty's guidance."
"All in all, his has been an excellent performance and we wish him well in his next role."Phil Bentley said "It's been a privilege to lead CWC over the past two and a half years. I'd like to thank all of our 7,200 colleagues serving customers across more than 40 countries for their hard work and dedication which has created a terrific platform for growth."
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