3rd Feb 2014 07:00
Canaccord Genuity Group Inc - Directorate ChangeCanaccord Genuity Group Inc - Directorate Change
PR Newswire
London, February 1
CANACCORD GENUITY APPOINTS GERHARD GLEICH AS HEAD OF ITS FRANKFURT TEAM LONDON, February 3, 2014 - Canaccord Genuity is pleased to announce thatGerhard Gleich has joined the firm as a Managing Director and Head of itsFrankfurt team. "We are very pleased to welcome Gerhard to our firm. With his deep Industrialsexpertise and experience, he will play a key role in the further development ofour Frankfurt office and in strengthening our advisory capabilities in theGerman market," stated Alexis de Rosnay, CEO of Canaccord Genuity Limited. Commenting on his appointment, Gerhard said: "I am very pleased to be joiningCanaccord Genuity's global platform, and I look forward to working with theteam in Frankfurt to deliver high-quality services to clients." Gerhard has over 20 years of corporate and investment banking experience. Priorto accepting his new role at Canaccord Genuity, Gerhard was Head of Industrialsfor Berenberg in Frankfurt, where he advised, among other things, on thetakeovers of Tognum by Daimler and Rolls Royce, of elexis AG by SMS group andthe sale of Ziemann Group to international strategic investors. Prior to this,Gerhard was co-head Industrials Germany within Dresdner Kleinwort/Commerzbank,and he also worked for Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt and London. He was involvedin numerous national and cross-border M&A transactions including the takeoverof DEMAG Cranes by Terex, the acquisition of Haldex Traction Systems byBorgWarner, the sale of SLV Group to Hg Capital and the acquisition of Buderusby Bosch, as well as strategic advisory work for a wide range of strategic andprivate equity clients. Canaccord Genuity opened its Frankfurt office in mid-2010. Gerhard'sappointment follows recent new hires to the firm's UK Research, CorporateBroking and M&A teams. Gerhard will work alongside the following senior members of our German team: * Gerhard Roggemann, Vice Chairman [email protected]; +44 (0) 207 665 4697 * Matthias Eisfeld, Managing Director [email protected]; +49 69 67 776 5040 * Philipp Von Grawert, Director [email protected]; +49 69 67 776 5014 ABOUT CANACCORD GENUITY: Canaccord Genuity is the global capital markets division of Canaccord GenuityGroup Inc. (TSX: CF, LSE: CF.), offering institutional and corporate clients idea-driven investment banking, merger and acquisition, research, sales and tradingservices from offices in 11 countries worldwide. Our team of nearly 1,000 capitalmarkets and advisory professionals has industry and transactional expertise in 18key sectors of the global economy. We are committed to providing valued servicesto our clients throughout the entire lifecycle of their business and operatingas a gold standardindependent investment bank - expansive in resources and reach,but targeted in industry expertise, market focus and individual client attention. More information is available at www.canaccordgenuity.com. ABOUT CANACCORD GENUITY GROUP INC.: Through its principal subsidiaries, Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. (the"Company") is a leading independent, full-service financial services firm, withoperations in two principal segments of the securities industry: wealthmanagement and capital markets. Since its establishment in 1950, the Companyhas been driven by an unwavering commitment to building lasting clientrelationships. We achieve this by generating value for our individual,institutional and corporate clients through comprehensive investment solutions,brokerage services and investment banking services. The Company has offices in11 countries worldwide, including Wealth Management offices located in Canada,Australia, the UK and Europe. Canaccord Genuity, the international capitalmarkets division, operates in Canada, the US, the UK, France, Germany, Ireland,Hong Kong, mainland China, Singapore, Australia and Barbados. To us there areno foreign markets.TM Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. is publicly traded under the symbol CF on the TSXand the symbol CF. on the London Stock Exchange. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: North America media:Scott DavidsonExecutive Vice President, Global Head of Corporate Development and StrategyPhone: 416-869-3875, email: [email protected] For investor relations inquiries contact: Andrea SergautisManager, Investor Relations & CommunicationsPhone: 416-687-5507, email: [email protected] London media:Bobby Morse or Ben RomneyBuchanan (London)Phone: +44 (0) 207 466 5000, email: [email protected] Broker:Oliver HearseyRBC Europe LimitedPhone: +44 (0) 20 7653 4000, email: [email protected]
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