8th Jul 2005 10:32
Directors' Disclosure - Rule 9.6.13Further to the announcement made on 7 July regarding the appointment of LordNorman Blackwell to the Board of Interserve Plc ("the Company"), the Companyconfirms that there are no details to be disclosed under Section 9.6.13 (2) to(6) of the Listing Rules.As required by Listing Rules, a schedule giving details of all directorshipsheld by Lord Blackwell in publicly-quoted companies at any time in the previousfive years, is set out below.Company Resignation DateThe Corporate Services Group PlcSlough Estate Public Limited CompanyStandard Life Assurance Company (The)Dixons Group Plc 01/09/2003Akers Biosciences Inc 28 March 2003ENDINTERSERVE PLCRelated Shares: