13th Aug 2021 09:00
Antofagasta 2021 Half Year Results
Thursday 19th August 2021
Antofagasta plc will release its results for the half year ended 30 June 2021 on Thursday 19th August 2021.
Announcement, presentation video and slides
The 2021 HY Results announcement, a presentation video and slides will be available on our website www.antofagasta.co.uk from 7:00am (BST) on the 19th August 2021.
Q&A video conference
On behalf of the Company, we would like to invite you to participate in a Q&A video conference call with our CEO, CFO and VP of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability which will be open to all investors. The link will be included in our results announcement and is also given below.
Date 19th August 2021
Time 1:00 pm (BST)
Link Please join the conference here
For those investors and analysts who are not able to join the Zoom Webinar video conference, please join via telephone using the conference call details below. You will be able to hear the Q&A and also ask questions over the telephone (Confirmation code: 2687018). Both video and telephone participants will have to register before they can participate in the call so please leave enough time to do this before the call begins.
Location | Phone Type | Phone Number |
Belgium, Brussels | Local | +32 (0) 2 404 0659 |
Denmark, Copenhagen | Local | +45 35 15 80 49 |
France, Paris | Local | +33 (0) 1 70 72 25 50 |
Germany, Frankfurt | Local | +49 (0) 69 2222 25574 |
Italy, Rome | Local | +39 06 8750 0723 |
Netherlands, Amsterdam | Local | +31 (0) 20 703 8211 |
Spain, Madrid | Local | +34 91 419 2307 |
Switzerland, Geneva | Local | +41 (0) 22 567 5729 |
United Kingdom, Local | Local | +44 (0) 330 336 9126 |
United States, Los Angeles | Local | +1 323 794 2590 |
United States/Canada | Tollfree/Freephone | 888 394 8218 |
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