13th Mar 2007 10:54
De La Rue Cash Systems announces the new banknote counter andfitness sorter Nvision which is specially designed to meet the newrequirements of the Eurosystem and the European Central Bank (ECB) tobe launched in May 2007. £ -- A compact multi-currency machine with fitness sorting meeting the ECB Recycling Framework's requirements £ -- Simultaneous note detection and fitness sorting £ -- Processing speed up to 1000 notes per minute £ Nvision provides a practical, easy to use and cost-efficientsolution for cash handling organisations. Optimised for higher desktopproductivity the machine allows continuous and uninterrupted noteprocessing. £ International product manager Gavin Doyle explains why Nvisionfulfils an urgent need for professional cash handlers right now: "TheECB Recycling Framework demands a higher responsibility for thequality of cash from credit institutions and all professional cashhandling organisations. Nvision provides the necessary technology tosimultaneously check the fitness of banknotes and authenticate them toremove counterfeits. At the same time the solution is highly costefficient, practical and very easy to use." £ Nvision has two full-stacking pockets with a remarkably smoothGlide Feed system. It is capable of multiple detection technologiesthus providing outstanding productivity with a processing speed up to1000 notes per minute. £ Cash processing organisations are in search for affordable fitnesssolutions that ensure notes meet the pending requirement of the ECBbanknote recycling mandate. With the product launch in May 2007 De LaRue addresses this demand exactly at the right time. £ Notes to Editors £ De La Rue is the world's largest commercial security printer andpapermaker, involved in the production of over 150 national currenciesand a wide range of security documents such as passports,authentication labels and fiscal stamps. The company is also a leadingprovider of cash handling equipment and software solutions to banksand retailers worldwide, helping them to reduce the cost of handlingcash. Copyright Business Wire 2007Related Shares:
De La Rue