28th Jan 2008 07:01
Crimson Tide PLC28 January 2008 Crimson Tide plc (the "Company") Contract Win AIM-listed Crimson Tide plc is pleased to announce a new contract with the SkiClub of Great Britain ('Ski Club') to deliver an advanced Windows Mobileapplication to improve its efficiency and provide substantial savings in timeand money. Crimson Tide will provide a handheld application designed to replacepaper-based systems used by the Ski Club's worldwide network of representativesto supply ski reports and other essential information to its central database. The Ski Club of Great Britain is a non profit making organisation, based in theUK which was set up to provide ski related benefits to UK based skierstravelling to resorts all over the world. The organisation has been in existencesince 1903 and has 31,000 active members today. Ski Club run a network ofrepresentatives which are based in 37 major ski resorts across the world. TheReps are based in seven countries; these are France, Austria, Italy, Switzerlandand Andorra in Europe and Canada and the USA in North America. With limited web access in many of its ski resorts in which the Ski Club isrepresented, representatives have traditionally had to rely on post, fax orinternet cafes to send daily and weekly reports. Once received at HQ, the formshad to be manually entered into the database by a dedicated member of staff. Barrie Whipp, Chairman of Crimson Tide, commented: 'Whilst this processessentially worked, the Ski Club recognised that a more automated system wouldbe faster and more efficient, and therefore bring cost savings. We are providinga Windows Mobile application based on the Motorola MC35 device. The systemincorporates a number of process-based on-screen forms designed to captureinformation and display simple database queries such as members details. 'Its speed and simplicity means that weekly reports are a thing of the past, asthe system will generate these automatically from the daily input. Automatingthe data entry process will also generate substantial cost savings asinformation need only be captured once. 'In addition the system will be used to sign up new members, book skiing tripsand be able to securely capture direct debit and credit card information. Newmembers will be able to have their application processed on the slopes andreceive their membership numbers far more quickly.' In addition, the Ski Club anticipates introducing a new membership card scheme,which will utilise the MC35's bar coding capability. The Ski Club of Great Britain is the latest in a series of household names andblue chip companies making use of Crimson Tide's mobile data systems. Recentclient wins also include Marks & Spencer, which has commissioned a mobilereporting system for use by cleaning contractors and Knight Frank, who areutilising a bespoke facilities management system. - ends - For further information, contact:Crimson Tide plc 01892 542 444Barrie Whipp, Chairman Threadneedle Communications 020 7936 9605Graham Herring/Alex White Notes to Editors: About Crimson TideCrimson Tide is a provider of mobile data solutions. The company, formed in 1996has underlying competency in sales, service and customer relationship softwarewhich it has evolved into solutions available on a range of handheld computersand smartphones. The company works in partnership with Microsoft, Sage, Palm, Hewlett Packard andGood Technology as well as the Mobile Operators Vodafone, Orange and O2 in theUK and O2 and Vodafone in Ireland in order to be able to offer a complete end toend solution. Crimson Tide is an AIM listed company on the London Stock Exchange, havingfloated in the summer of 2006. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
Crimson Tide