17th Oct 2005 07:00
Pursuit Dynamics PLC17 October 2005 17 October 2005 PURSUIT DYNAMICS PLC First Licence in Continental Europe Pursuit Dynamics plc ("Pursuit") is pleased to announce that Verstegen Spicesand Sauces BV ("Verstegen"), the premier provider of spices and sauces in theNetherlands, has become the first licensee of the PDX Sonic inContinental Europe. The order was placed with Pursuit's Benelux distributor,Klijnoot, and Berief Gmbh, Pursuit's German systems integrator. Verstegen, established in 1893 and headquartered in Rotterdam, is one ofEurope's leading spice and sauce companies. Verstegen employs over 300 peopleand maintains operations in the Netherlands, UK, Germany and Belgium. With thisinitial licence of the PDX technology, Verstegen will be able to maintain andadvance its reputation in the food industry for high quality, whilstspearheading new product development in the European markets. John Heathcote, CEO of Pursuit, commented: "It is a pleasure to be working witha company of Verstegen's reputation. Enhanced quality of product, speed ofproduction and a reduction in costs is only possible in the food industrythrough innovation and we congratulate Verstegen on recognising this bylicensing their first Sonic system. The increasing levels of interest that wesee from existing and potential customers give us confidence that the PDX Sonicsystem, in its many guises, will set the standard for processed foodmanufacturing in the food industry." -Ends- For further information on Pursuit Dynamics, please visitwww.pursuitdynamics.com or contact: John Heathcote Simon Hudson, Richard SunderlandChief Executive Rachel DrysdalePursuit Dynamics plc Tavistock CommunicationsTel: +44 (0)1763 250592 Tel: +44 (0)20 7920 3150 NOTES TO EDITORS Pursuit Dynamics plc owns, and is developing, a patented platform technologywith the potential to revolutionise manufacturing techniques across numerousindustries. Pursuit Dynamics operates as a research and development andlicensing company and has already proved the application of its system in thefood and defence industries. Its PDX(R) Sonic fluid processing product, which is the most efficient systemavailable for the manufacture of prepared foods was launched in January 2005 andhas been licensed to a number of leading industry players including the CampbellSoup Company, Premier Foods plc, Geest Ltd and Greene King plc. Other industry applications under development include applications forpharmaceuticals, waste and water treatment, brewing, cooling, oil, dairy andpulp and paper. In addition to its almost universal applicability to process flow manufacturingindustries, the technology has been adapted to address the very large marketsfor fire and explosion suppression. FireMist(R), Pursuit Dynamics' patentedproduct, the most effective of all commercially available water mist productionand distribution systems, can successfully extinguish Class A and B fires inbuilding and aircraft simulation fire tests. In July 2005, PDX announced the signing of a one year contract with DARPA, a USgovernmental defence research agency to use its PDX(R) Basilisk decontaminationsystem. The system has a number of applications for disinfection, human andanimal healthcare and in the defence industry, principally in chemical andbiological warfare applications. The core technology is based on a steam-driven supersonic shockwave producingcontrollable mixing, heating and flow rates. The device, contained in onecompact unit has no moving parts and no restrictions. Pursuit Dynamics is headquartered in Hertfordshire UK and has a US office inDarien, Connecticut. It is quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange(ticker: PDX) and at the recent share price has a capitalisation of just over£115 million. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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