23rd Jan 2025 07:00
This announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 which forms part of domestic law in the United Kingdom pursuant to The European Union Withdrawal Act 2018, as amended by The Market Abuse (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.
23 January 2025
Return of Capital by a Partial Compulsory Redemption of Shares
The Board is pleased to announce a return of capital by way of a partial compulsory redemption of shares.
As announced at the time of the Company's interim results in December 2024, the Company has been conducting an exercise to ascertain its future cash requirements, taking into account, inter alia, its reserves against the risk of shortfalls in A380 values against loans outstanding. Following the conclusion of this exercise, the Board has approved the distribution to shareholders of an aggregate amount of £27.8 million by way of a compulsory redemption (as described below).
Partial Compulsory Redemption of Shares
The Company intends to return to shareholders an aggregate amount of £27.8 million on 30 January 2025 (the "Redemption Date") for shareholders on the register of members as at close of business on 30 January 2025 ("Record Date"), by way of a partial compulsory redemption (the "Redemption") of the ordinary shares ("Shares") in the capital of the Company.
Pursuant to the Redemption, the Company will redeem one Share for every seven existing Shares of Shareholders on the register of members as at close of business on the Record Date, resulting in the redemption of approximately 43,414,194 Shares in aggregate. Consequently, the Redemption will be effected at 64.03 pence per Share. No fractions of Shares will be redeemed and the number of Shares to be redeemed for each Shareholder will be rounded down to the nearest whole number of Shares, as appropriate.
All redemption proceeds are expected to be paid in pounds sterling through CREST. Where Shares are held in certificated form, payment will be made by cheque posted to the address of the registered holder.
Any share certificates for the balance of holdings of Shares will also be despatched to shareholders on or around 13 February 2025. The Company currently has 303,899,361 Shares in issue (none of which are held in treasury). All of the Shares redeemed on the Redemption Date will be cancelled. Accordingly, once redeemed, such Shares will be incapable of transfer.
The Shares will be disabled in CREST on the Record Date and the existing ISIN number GG00BNDVLS54 will expire. A new ISIN number GG00BQKNKR70 (the "New ISIN") in respect of the remaining Shares which have not been redeemed will be enabled and available for transactions on 31 January 2025. Any Shares which have traded on or before the Record Date, but have not settled, will be included in the Redemption. CREST will automatically transfer any open transactions as at the Redemption Date to the New ISIN.
Shareholders should note that the Board retains absolute discretion as to the execution, extent and timing of any further returns of capital.
Expected timetable:
Redemption Record Date, Redemption Date | 30 January 2025 |
Redemption Ex-date and new ISIN enabled | 31 January 2025 |
Redemption Payment Date (on or around) | 13 February 2025 |
For further information, please contact:
MUFG (Registrar)
+44 (0) 3716 640 300
JTC Fund Solutions (Guernsey) Limited
+44 (0) 1481 702 400
Panmure Liberum Limited
Chris Clarke / Darren Vickers
+44 (0) 20 3100 2000
About the Company
The Company is a Guernsey-domiciled company, with shares admitted to trading on the Specialist Fund Segment of the London Stock Exchange's Main Market (LSE: AA4).
The Company's investment objective is to obtain income returns and a capital return for its Shareholders by acquiring, leasing and then selling aircraft.
Related Shares:
Amedeo Afp