1st Nov 2006 07:01
Sarantel Group PLC01 November 2006 Embargoed until 7am 1 November 2006 Sarantel Group PLC ("Sarantel") Commencement of volume shipments to TomTom Sarantel, the leading manufacturer and supplier of filtering antennas forwireless devices, today announces that it has begun volume shipments to TomTomfor the Navigator 6. TomTom has embedded Sarantel's high performance GPS antenna into its highsensitivity Bluetooth GPS receiver in order to obtain the best possible GPSreception across all locations and environments. The TomTom Navigator 6 includesthe latest personal navigation software and maps with the smallest and lightestwireless Bluetooth GPS receiver on the market. The Navigator 6 is an ideal solution for customers who already own a PDA orSmartphone and want an accessory with navigation capability. Users simply uploadthe Navigator software on their PDA/Smartphone and with the small wirelessreceiver, turn their own existing device into a high performance GPS navigator. Commenting on the commencement of volume shipments to TomTom, David Wither ChiefExecutive Officer said: "We are very pleased to be supplying the GPS antenna forthe sophisticated Navigator 6 which interfaces with PDAs and Smartphones, makingGPS devices more accessible than they have been before. The expected shipmentshelp underpin our current year forecasts and we are delighted to be able tocontinue our working relationship with TomTom." For further information please contact: Sarantel Group PLC 01933 670560Geoff Shingles, Chairman / David Wither, CEO www.sarantel.comAmbrian Partners 020 7776 6410Tim GoodmanSmithfield 020 7360 4900Sara Musgrave / Tania Wild Notes to Editors About Sarantel: Sarantel designs, manufactures and sells patented, ceramic, filtering antennasfor use in portable wireless devices. These antennas allow a clearer signal thanconventional antennas whilst reducing the amount of energy absorbed by the bodyby approximately 90 per cent. They also simplify system design, thus allowingdesign standardisation and reduced time to market and cost for manufacturers.Sarantel's antennas significantly improve the performance of wireless systems byincreasing their range and effective bandwidth. The company supplies antennas to the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) marketand the North American satellite radio market and Sarantel's antennas have beensuccessfully designed into Personal Navigation Devices (PNDs), laptops andPersonal Digital Assistants (PDAs). Sarantel's antenna technology is alsocapable of servicing multiple high volume markets such as wi-fi, 3G andBluetooth. Sarantel listed on AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange, on 2ndMarch 2005 and is included in the IT Hardware sector (93) within theTelecommunications equipment sub-sector (938) and has a RIC code of SLG.L This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock ExchangeRelated Shares:
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