13th Dec 2007 08:10
Dwyka Resources Limited13 December 2007 Dwyka Resources Limited ("Dwyka" or the "Company") Commencement of Drilling at SwaziGold Project Dwyka Resources Limited, the ASX and AIM quoted nickel and gold explorer, ispleased to announce the commencement of drilling at the Company's SwaziGoldProject. HIGHLIGHTS - Drilling has commenced at the Kobolondo, Daisy and Lufafa deposits. - Completion of drilling currently expected in February 2008, with results to be reported thereafter. The SwaziGold Project is a 435 square kilometre gold exploration project in thehighly prospective Archaean Barberton Greenstone Belt in Swaziland, historicallya producer of 11.5m ounces of gold. Based on encouraging exploration results,as detailed in the press-release dated 30 November 2007, a 2000m diamond-coredrilling program has commenced at the Daisy, Kobolondo and Lufafa prospects. A drilling contract has been signed with Diabor (Pty) Limited of Pretoria, SouthAfrica. Diabor has mobilised its drilling crew and initiated drilling at theKobolondo prospect with a small diamond drilling rig on a 650m shallow-hole (<120m) drilling program. Discussions are currently underway with contractors tomobilize a larger drilling-rig, capable of drilling deeper drill-holes in early2008. Three boreholes have been planned for the Kobolondo prospect to test a 600mstrike length of a mineralised shear zone. Surface sampling of trenchesexcavated by Dwyka on this shear zone have returned stretch intersections of2.82g/t Au over 11m (including 7.70g/t Au over 3m), 2.16g/t Au over 5m(Including 4.84g/t Au over 1m) 4.24g/t Au over 3m (including 7.97g/t Au over1m). Deeper drilling of the Kobolondo prospect will be undertaken in 2008subject to results from the current drill-program. Drilling for the Daisy prospect is targeted to test a shallow portion of the # 1oreshoot that had not been drill-tested by previous investigations. The # 1oreshoot (described in the announcement dated 30 November 2007) is a 65 - 100mwide high-grade oreshoot that has been traced, by diamond drilling, to a depthof 250m. Most of the planned drilling for the Daisy prospect will be undertakenwhen a drill-rig with greater depth-capability is available. At the Lufafa prospect, surface exploration to date suggests that there is thepotential to host 5-25m wide zones of 1-2g/t disseminated Au mineralization overstrike lengths ofRelated Shares:
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