3rd Dec 2021 15:56
3 December 2021
Recommended Cash Acquisition
Equiniti Group plc ("EQ")
Earth Private Holdings Ltd ("Bidco")(a newly-formed company owned by funds managed or advised by Siris Capital Group, LLC ("Siris"))
Co-investment and financing update
On 27 May 2021, EQ and Bidco announced that they had reached agreement on the terms of a recommended cash offer to be made by Bidco for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of EQ (the "EQ Acquisition"). It is intended that the Acquisition will be effected by means of a scheme of arrangement under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006 (the "Scheme"). The shareholder circular relating to the Scheme (the "Scheme Document") was sent, or made available, to EQ Shareholders on 21 June 2021. Defined terms used but not defined in this announcement have the meanings set out in the Scheme Document.
On 5 July 2021, Bidco announced that Orbit Private Holdings I Ltd ("OPHI"), a subsidiary undertaking of Orbit Private Investments, L.P. ("OPI") (an indirect parent undertaking of Bidco), had entered into an agreement and plan of merger with Armor Holdco, Inc. ("AST") and Armor Acquisition LLC for the acquisition of AST and its U.S. subsidiaries, which include American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC. Pursuant to the merger agreement, it is intended that Asteroid Private Merger Sub, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of OPHI, will merge with and into AST (the "AST Acquisition").
On 19 July 2021, the Scheme was approved by the Scheme Shareholders at the Court Meeting and the Special Resolution relating to the implementation of the Scheme was approved by the EQ Shareholders at the General Meeting. On 4 November 2021, EQ announced that the Regulatory Conditions had been satisfied and that it was expected that the Scheme would become Effective on 9 December 2021.
Co-investment update
The Scheme Document stated that it was anticipated that certain existing investor groups in investment vehicles managed and/or advised by Siris or any of its Affiliates, or certain other third party co-investors, may invest indirectly in entities which control Bidco in connection with the EQ Acquisition, and that if such co-investment occurred prior to the Scheme becoming Effective, an announcement would be made by Bidco of such co-investment through a Regulatory Information Service.
Bidco is pleased to announce that OPI (an indirect parent undertaking of Bidco) has now received commitments from equity co-investors to subscribe for partnership units in OPI with an aggregate subscription price of approximately $216m, which units would together represent a potential indirect economic interest of approximately 25% in aggregate in Bidco and AST.
Two co-investor groups will each have a maximum potential indirect economic interest in OPI of greater than 5% but less than 10%. Their details are as follows:
SS&C Technologies Holdings
SS&C is a global provider of services and software for the financial services and healthcare industries. Founded in 1986, SS&C is headquartered in Windsor, Connecticut, and has offices around the world. Some 18,000 financial services and healthcare organizations, from the world's largest companies to small and mid-market firms, rely on SS&C for expertise, scale, and technology. Additional information about SS&C (Nasdaq:SSNC) is available at www.ssctech.com.
Funds managed and/or advised by AlpInvest
AlpInvest is a dedicated private equity primary fund, co-investment, and secondary solutions platform. AlpInvest launched in 2000 as the private investment house for two of the largest pension plans in Europe, and today it has grown its platform to more than $66 billion of assets under management and more than 425 investors.
Pursuant to the terms of the Equity Financing Agreement, the Siris Funds' equity commitments will not be reduced by the co-investors' commitments unless and until the co-investors' commitments have actually been funded and are available to OPI.
Financing update
As set out in the Scheme Document, Bidco is party as borrower to the Interim Facilities Agreement and has the benefit of the Interim Bridge Facility, pursuant to which certain lenders have made available £495,000,000 on a customary "certain funds" basis to be used to finance (among other things) the consideration payable for the EQ Acquisition.
In order to enable Bidco to enter as a direct co-borrower of a sterling tranche under the documentation in respect of combined credit facilities for the EQ Acquisition and the AST Acquisition, the Interim Facilities Agreement has been amended on the terms of an amendment letter entered into on 2 December 2021 between Bidco, Orbit Private Holdings II Ltd and Goldman Sachs Bank USA (as the Interim Facility Agent under and as defined in the Interim Facilities Agreement) (the "Amendment Letter").
In accordance with Rule 26 of the Code, it is expected that copies of the Amendment Letter will be made available on the EQ website at https://investors.equiniti.com/investors and the Siris website at https://siris.com/equintidocuments. The Scheme Document has already been made available on the EQ website and the Siris website.
Abernathy MacGregor (Media) Dana Gorman
| +1 212 371 5999
Greenhill David Wyles James Babski Dean Rodrigues | +44 20 7198 7400 |
Goldman Sachs Chris Emmerson Ben Maiden
| +44 20 7774 1000 |
Notice related to financial advisers
Greenhill & Co. International LLP ("Greenhill"), which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom, is acting exclusively for Siris and Bidco and for no one else in connection with the matters set out in this announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Siris and Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Greenhill, nor for providing advice in relation to the matters set out in this announcement.
Goldman Sachs International ("Goldman Sachs"), which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority in the United Kingdom, is acting exclusively for Siris and Bidco and no one else in connection with the matters referred to in this announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Siris and Bidco for providing the protections afforded to clients of Goldman Sachs International, or for providing advice in relation to the matters referred to in this announcement.
Disclosure requirements of the Code
Under Rule 8.3(a) of the Code, any person who is interested in 1% or more of any class of relevant securities of an offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror (being any offeror other than an offeror in respect of which it has been announced that its offer is, or is likely to be, solely in cash) must make an Opening Position Disclosure following the commencement of the offer period and, if later, following the announcement in which any securities exchange offeror is first identified.
An Opening Position Disclosure must contain details of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any securities exchange offeror(s). An Opening Position Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(a) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the commencement of the offer period and, if appropriate, by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the 10th business day following the announcement in which any securities exchange offeror is first identified. Relevant persons who deal in the relevant securities of the offeree company or of a securities exchange offeror prior to the deadline for making an Opening Position Disclosure must instead make a Dealing Disclosure.
Under Rule 8.3(b) of the Code, any person who is, or becomes, interested in 1% or more of any class of relevant securities of the offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror must make a Dealing Disclosure if the person deals in any relevant securities of the offeree company or of any securities exchange offeror. A Dealing Disclosure must contain details of the dealing concerned and of the person's interests and short positions in, and rights to subscribe for, any relevant securities of each of (i) the offeree company and (ii) any securities exchange offeror, save to the extent that these details have previously been disclosed under Rule 8. A Dealing Disclosure by a person to whom Rule 8.3(b) applies must be made by no later than 3.30 pm (London time) on the business day following the date of the relevant dealing.
If two or more persons act together pursuant to an agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal, to acquire or control an interest in relevant securities of an offeree company or a securities exchange offeror, they will be deemed to be a single person for the purpose of Rule 8.3.
Opening Position Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company and by any offeror and Dealing Disclosures must also be made by the offeree company, by any offeror and by any persons acting in concert with any of them (see Rules 8.1, 8.2 and 8.4).
Details of the offeree and offeror companies in respect of whose relevant securities Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures must be made can be found in the Disclosure Table on the Takeover Panel's website at www.theTakeover Panel.org.uk, including details of the number of relevant securities in issue, when the offer period commenced and when any offeror was first identified. You should contact the Takeover Panel's Market Surveillance Unit on +44 (0)20 7638 0129 if you are in any doubt as to whether you are required to make an Opening Position Disclosure or a Dealing Disclosure.
Publication on a website
In accordance with Rule 26.1 of the Code, a copy of this announcement will be available at www.siris.com/equintidocuments by not later than 12:00 noon (London time) on the business day immediately following the date of this announcement. The content of the website referred to in this announcement is not incorporated into and does not form part of this announcement.
Additional Information
This announcement is not intended to, and does not, constitute or form part of any offer, invitation or the solicitation of an offer to purchase, otherwise acquire, subscribe for, sell or otherwise dispose of, any securities, or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, pursuant to this announcement or otherwise. Any offer, if made, will be made solely by certain offer documentation which will contain the full terms and conditions of any offer, including details of how it may be accepted. The distribution of this announcement in jurisdictions other than the United Kingdom and the availability of any offer to shareholders of EQ who are not resident in the United Kingdom may be affected by the laws of relevant jurisdictions. Therefore any persons who are subject to the laws of any jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom or shareholders of EQ who are not resident in the United Kingdom will need to inform themselves about, and observe, any applicable requirement.
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