10th Dec 2012 07:00
AIM Exchange Symbol: EDG
TSX Venture Exchange Symbol: EDE
Edge Resources Inc.
December 10, 2012
Calgary, Alberta
Edge Resources Inc. Closes CDN$5 million Placing with Major Institutional Investors
Edge Resources Inc. ("Edge" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has closed a European-based placing to raise $5 million (the "Placing") through the issuance of 19,531,250 common shares (the "Placing Shares") with new and existing institutional investors at a price of 16p per share for gross proceeds of $5 million (£3.125 million).
The Placing was done at a 60% premium to the initial AIM admission price in July, 2012, was supported by major institutional investors and was oversubscribed. It was arranged by the Company's nominated adviser and broker, Merchant Securities Limited ("Merchant"), who was paid a fee equal to 5% of the gross proceeds of the Placing. No broker warrants were issued and no warrants were issued as part of the Placing.
The proceeds will be used to further develop the Company's shallow, conventional oil prospects in Western Canada with the intent of simultaneously increasing both production and reserve value.
Specifically, the funds will be used for developing the Company's Primate, Saskatchewan oil prospects with a focus on the 3D seismically-defined discoveries and on "vertical expansion" into additional oil-bearing zones available in the vertical column of formations on the Company's lands. All wells will be drilled in seismically-defined pools. Successful results are anticipated to add additional reserves and oil production through the discovery and delineation of new pools. In addition, the Company may investigate production enhancement opportunities through pressure maintenance of existing pools and will continue to assess potential acquisition opportunities as they arise.
Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for admission of the Placing Shares to AIM and to the TSX-V, with admission expected to become effective on December 17, 2012. When issued, the Placing Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing common shares. The Placing Shares will represent 15.6% of the Company's issued share capital following admission, when the Company will have 125,460,990 common shares in issue.
Brad Nichol, President & CEO of Edge, commented: "The benefits of our AIM listing are already bearing fruit, as we have now demonstrated an ability to close a placing very quickly, with less cost and less dilution than what would have normally been required in Canada. This placing also allowed us to add some exceptionally large, blue-chip institutional investors to our share register; many of whom normally reserve their investment capital for large-cap companies. This support, in conjunction with Henderson Global Investors' continued backing, gives Edge a critical competitive advantage in a capital-constrained market." Nichol added, "To gratify the need for continued growth, we continue to search for the right opportunities to cost-effectively add production and land to our existing asset base. As well, the proceeds will allow us to kick-start more extensive development of our large inventory of drilling locations, many of which were identified following our recent 3D seismic shoot. We are excited about putting the proceeds to work to create the meaningful growth that our shareholders should, and do, demand."
Additionally, the Company has amended 200,000 options that were previously granted with a strike price of $0.20 per share and due to expire in November, 2013; such that, those same options now have a strike price of $0.30 per share and expire in October, 2017. All other terms and conditions remained unchanged.
For more information, visit the Company website: www.edgeres.comor contact:
Brad Nichol - President & CEO
Phone: +1 (403) 767 9905
Merchant Securities Limited (a member of the Sanlam Group) - Nominated Adviser and Broker
Katie Shelton
Max Bascombe
Lindsay Mair
Scott Mathieson
Phone: +44 (0)20 7628 2200
Buchanan - Financial PR
Tim Thompson
Tom Hufton
Phone: +44 (0)20 7466 5000
About Edge Resources Inc.
Edge Resources is focused on developing a balanced portfolio of oil and natural gas assets from properties in Alberta and Saskatchewan, Canada. Management has consistently focused on:
1. Shallow, vertical, conventional programs with reduced capital, operational and geological risks
2. Very high or 100% working interests and fully operated assets
3. Pools and horizons with exceptionally high reserves in place
The management team's very high drilling success rate is based on the safe, efficient deployment of capital and a proven ability to efficiently execute in shallow formations, which gives Edge Resources a sustainable, low-cost, competitive advantage.
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