15th May 2019 14:47
Closed Period Notification
Closed Period Notification
In accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation the Company announces that on 15 May 2019 it entered into a closed period, which will remain in place until the Company releases its unaudited interim results for the six-month period ending 31 March 2019, expected to be on or around 18 June 2019.
The Company is satisfied that any inside information which the Directors or the Company may have during the closed period has previously been notified to a Regulated Information Service. If, in the period leading up to the publication of the unaudited interim results, the Directors or the Company come into possession of any inside information, this will be notified to a Regulated Information Service before any such below transactions are undertaken. The Company is therefore not prohibited from repurchasing its own securities, or issuing new securities, during this closed period.
15 May 2019
For further information please contact:Stuart BrookesCompany SecretaryHargreave Hale AIM VCT plc01253 754740
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