15th Dec 2010 17:01
15 DECEMBER 2010
The board of directors of the Company ("Board") are today sending a circular to shareholders ("Circular") with proposals to enter into related party transactions with Investec Structured Products and Calculus Capital Limited (the investment managers of the Company ("the Managers")).
Shareholder authorities were obtained at a general meeting held on 6 September 2010, which included approval to enter into management and performance incentive arrangements with the Managers in respect of the C ordinary shares of 1p each ("C Shares") based on the expected return profile for the C Shares fund. The Board and the Managers have considered the arrangements for the C Shares fund further and, in order to match the proposed return profile for the C Shares fund, it is proposed to provide for new arrangements with the Managers in respect of the C Shares fund.
The new management and performance incentive arrangements do not affect the arrangements in respect of the ordinary shares fund but, under the Listing Rules, require approval from Shareholders which will be sought at a general meeting to be held on 7 January 2011 ("General Meeting").
At the general meeting held in September, shareholders approved the amendment to the articles of association of the Company to provide for a new C Share class to be managed and accounted for as a separate fund and the proposed C Shares fund management and performance incentive arrangements with both Calculus Capital and Investec Structured Products.
The arrangements approved were materially on the same terms as the ordinary shares fund save that they would lag 12 months behind the ordinary shares fund. As a result, it was intended that the supplemental management agreements with each Manager in respect of the C Shares fund would be for an initial period up to 14 December 2016, the date by which it was intended to provide the C Shares fund interim return. In addition, payment of C Shares fund performance incentive fees would be subject to the C Shares fund interim return being paid by 14 December 2016. When these arrangements were approved, the intended return profile for the C Shares fund was still under consideration by the Board and the Managers and the approved arrangements were not entered into (the intention being to enter into such arrangements prior to the launch of the C Share fund).
Following such consideration, the Board has determined it appropriate to set the intended interim return date by which 70p per C Share has been paid or offered to 14 March 2017 (rather than 14 December 2016 as previously approved). The C Shares fund will also seek to pay or offer a further return of 45p per C Share on or before 14 March 2019 (i.e. achieving a total return of 115p per C Share). The movement of the interim return date from 14 December 2016 to 14 March 2017 is considered necessary to reflect falling interest rates since the launch of the Company resulting in different terms being available for the structured products element of the C Shares fund portfolio compared to the ordinary shares fund.
It is proposed that each management agreement with Investec Structured Products and Calculus Capital will now be for an initial period to 14 March 2017 (ie the revised proposed C Shares fund interim return date), subject to either party serving 12 months' notice to expire on or after this date.
No annual management fee is payable to Investec Structured Products under its supplemental management agreement, whilst an annual fee of 1 per cent. of the net assets of the C Shares fund is payable to Calculus Capital under its supplemental management agreement.
The terms of these agreements will otherwise be materially the same as those for the arrangements for the ordinary shares fund.
As the previous shareholder approval was in respect of arrangements for both Managers for a fixed term to 14 December 2016 rather than 14 March 2017, shareholder approval of these new arrangements with the Managers is required.
It is proposed that the Managers will each receive a performance incentive fee in respect of the C Shares Fund payable in cash of an amount equal to:
* 10 per cent. of the amounts paid by way of dividends or other distributions, buybacks and any other proceeds received by holders of C Shares (C Shareholder Proceeds) between 105.0p and 115.0p per C Share, such amount to be paid within ten business days of the date of payment of the relevant dividend or distribution pursuant to which a return of 115.0p per C Share is satisfied; and * thereafter, 10 per cent. of C Shareholder Proceeds, such amounts to be paid within ten business days of the date of payment of the relevant dividend or distribution
provided in each case that C shareholders have received or been offered a C Shares fund interim return of at least 70.0p per C Share on or before 14 March 2017 and at a least a further 45.0p per C Share having been received or offered for payment on or before 14 March 2019. In addition, performance incentive fees in respect of the C Shares fund will only be payable in respect of dividends and distributions paid or offered on or before 14 March 2019.
The terms of this agreement will otherwise be materially the same as those for the arrangements for the ordinary shares fund.
Investec Structured Products and Calculus Capital are regarded as `related parties' of the Company under the Listing Rules, being investment managers of a closed-ended investment fund.
The supplemental management agreements with each Manager and the performance incentive fee agreement with both Managers in respect of the C Shares fund (as these are different to what was approved at the general meeting in September and not entered into) as set out above, are related party transactions (Related Party Transactions) requiring the approval of shareholders pursuant to the Listing Rules. The Resolution to be proposed at the General Meeting seeks such approval.
It should be noted that the proposals set out in the Circular are in respect of the C Shares fund alone and do not impact on the ordinary shares fund. Approval from existing shareholders is, however, required under the Listing Rules.
Calculus Capital
Calculus Capital was established in 1999 and is authorised and regulated by the FSA. Its core investment team of Susan McDonald and John Glencross has been making tax efficient investments in unquoted companies since 1997. Calculus Capital has extensive experience of investing in energy, energy services, energy technology, leisure and catering, transportation and healthcare and these sectors are likely to be the target of investments by the Company. At the same time, Calculus Capital will also take advantage of value opportunities in other sectors as they arise.
Investec Structured Products
The Structured Products are managed by the team at Investec Structured Products, a team within Investec Bank plc, which is part of the Investec group of companies. The Investec group is an international specialist banking organisation that provides a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the UK, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other countries. Investec Structured Products has been recognised as a leading provider of Structured Products being awarded the Professional Adviser Best Structured Products Provider Award 2009 and 2010.
Shareholders will receive a copy of the Circular convening the General Meeting to be held on 7 January 2011 at which shareholders will be invited to approve the resolution in connection with the proposals. A copy of the Circular has also been submitted to the UK Listing Authority and will be shortly available for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism which can be accessed at the website www.hemscott.com/nsm.do
For further information, please contact:
Investment Manager to the Structured Products Portfolio
Investec Structured ProductsGary DaleTelephone: 020 7597 4065
Investment Manager to the Venture Capital Portfolio
Calculus Capital LimitedSusan McDonaldTelephone: 020 7493 4940
vendorRelated Shares:
Calculus Vct