17th Feb 2021 12:25
February 17, 2021
London Stock Exchange plc.
10 Paternoster Square
Re.: Outcome of the Board Meeting held on February 17, 2021
Dear Sir,
It is hereby informed that the Board of Directors ('Board') of the Company at its meeting held today, i.e. February 17, 2021, considered and approved a proposal for raising of funds.
Keeping in mind the requirement for funds in the Company, the Board, at its meeting held today, i.e., February 17, 2021, considered various options for fund raising and granted in principal approval to, subject to such corporate, regulatory and Board approval(s), as may be required under applicable rules, regulations and laws, explore and initiate the process of fund-raising through permissible modes and issue of permissible securities, for an amount upto Rs. 1,000 crores, in one or more tranches ('Issue'), in accordance with applicable laws.
In this regard, the Board has constituted 'Fund Raising Committee' for recommending, taking actions and monitoring in the matters of raising funds and related matters thereof.
You are requested to kindly take the above on record.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Dish TV India Limited
Ranjit Singh
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Membership No.: A15442
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