1st Jun 2023 13:12
June 1, 2023
London Stock Exchange plc.
10 Paternoster Square
Sub: Intimation regarding the decision taken by the Board with respect to the Notice dated May 15, 2023 for calling an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Dish TV India Limited ('Company') by certain shareholders
Dear Sir,
This is continuation to the intimation dated May 15, 2023 issued by the Company regarding receipt of requisition by certain shareholders, for holding an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company ('Notice').
Pursuant to applicable laws, the Board of Directors of the Company at their meeting held today, i.e. June 1, 2023, examined the Individual Requisition Notices in terms of numerical and procedural validity of the same and observed that there were defects in several Individual Requisition Notices which formed part of the Notice dated May 15, 2023, because of which the said Individual Requisition Notices were considered invalid. The said defects are summarized hereunder:
(a) Four (4) Individual Requisition Notices have not been issued by the shareholders of the Company as per the Register of Members of the Company.
(b) Seven (7) Individual Requisition Notices have been submitted in duplicate and the original of the same were not submitted.
(c) No authorization has been submitted along with the Individual Requisition Notices of eleven (11) entities - being companies, trusts and partnerships - by their board of directors or governing body or other entities, authorizing such individuals to call for an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company and send Individual Requisition Notices.
In view of the abovementioned defects, the collective shareholding of the valid Individual Requisitions as on May 15, 2023, which is the Requisition Date, does not fulfil the requirement of the extant applicable provisions, and therefore the Board has decided that the Extraordinary General Meeting cannot be called due to numerical and procedural invalidity.
The above mentioned details are being communicated to the advocates representing the shareholders. The Company shall also be advising the said advocates that in case their clients (whose individual requisition notices were attached to the Requisition Notice dated May 15, 2023 issued by the advocates) intend to send a fresh requisition notice, they can do so by sending a fresh and valid requisition notice.
You are requested to kindly take the above on record.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For Dish TV India Limited
Ranjit Singh
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Membership No.: A15442
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