17th Dec 2013 09:21
Notice of Changes in Samsung Card Company Beneficial Ownership
On December 13, 2013, Samsung Life Insurance disclosed acquisition of approximately 7.4million
shares of Samsung Card Company from Samsung C&T Corporation (2.5%),
Samsung Electro-Mechanics (3.8%), and Samsung Heavy Industries (0.8%). Samsung Life Insurance
reported in a regulatory filing that the transaction occurred after market closed on 13 December and
the total transaction amount was KRW 264 billion (KRW 35,700 per share). As a result of this
transaction, Samsung Life Insurance's beneficial ownership of Samsung Card Company increased from
28% to 34.4%.
- Parties involved: Samsung Life Insurance (Purchaser)
Samsung C&T Corporation (Seller)
Samsung Electro-Mechanics (Seller)
Samsung Heavy Industries (Seller)
- Items of Transaction: 7.4 million shares of Samsung Card Company
- Value of Transaction: KRW 264 billion
- Date of Transaction: December 13, 2013
* This public disclosure is in accordance with the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act (Article 200-1), which mandates major shareholder (Samsung Electronics) of a stock-listed corporation
to report matters concerning the current status of specific securities, etc. owned by type and changes
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