29th Jun 2021 07:00
29 June 2021
Premier Foods plc ('Premier Foods' or the 'Company')
Change to arrangements for the Annual General Meeting to be held at 11am on Friday 23 July 2021 ('AGM')
This announcement provides an update to the Company's AGM arrangements as set out in the notice of AGM, dated 7 June 2021 ('Notice'). As a result of the rise in infections of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus, and following the UK Government's decision to extend the current restrictions on physical gatherings in England, the Board of Premier Foods has reluctantly concluded that it is no longer appropriate for shareholders to attend the AGM in person. Given the current uncertainties, the Board believes that this is the most appropriate action to take in order to protect the health and wellbeing of shareholders and colleagues.
In order to minimise social contact in accordance with UK Government guidance, it is proposed that the AGM will now be held at the Company's registered office at Premier House, Centrium Business Park, Griffiths Way, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 2RE and be held as a closed meeting, with attendance restricted to members of the Board and so as to form a quorum under the Company's Articles of Association.
Instead of attending this year's AGM in person, shareholders are asked to exercise their votes by submitting their forms of proxy electronically or by post as soon as possible, and these must be received by no later than 11.00 am on Wednesday 21 July 2021. Shareholders who wish to appoint a proxy are strongly encouraged to appoint the Chair of the AGM as their proxy. Please note that, if you appoint a person other than the Chair of the AGM, your vote will not be counted as that person will not be permitted to attend the AGM in person in order to vote on your behalf.
The Board maintains its desire to engage with shareholders, as far as practicable, notwithstanding the changes to the format of the AGM. Shareholders will be able to view the proceedings via a live videocast and are invited to submit questions in advance of the meeting via email at [email protected] by no later than 11.00 am on Tuesday 20 July 2021. These questions will be answered either at the AGM or, where appropriate, by publishing responses on thematic topics on our website either prior to, or shortly after, the AGM.
Shareholders who would like to follow the AGM through the live videocast should email [email protected] to request receipt of the registration details. Please note that, whilst shareholders will be able to view the conduct of the AGM, and submit written questions, it will not be possible to submit votes live at the AGM.
As outlined in the Notice, the Company will continue to monitor the evolving impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the UK Government's guidance, and will notify shareholders of any further changes as soon as practicable via our website (www.premierfoods.co.uk). Shareholders should check our website to ensure they have the most up to date information available regarding the AGM. We would like to thank all shareholders in advance for their co-operation and understanding.
For more information please contact:
Simon Rose, General Counsel & Company Secretary +44 (0)1727 815850
Richard Godden, Director of Investor Relations +44 (0)1727 815850
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